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A Problem is said to be indeterminate, or unlimited,
when the equations, expressing the conditions
thereof, are fewer in number than the unknown quan
tities to be determined; such kinds of Problems, strictly
speaking, being capable of innumerable answers: but
the answers in whole numbers, to which the question is
commonly restrained, are, for the general part, limited
to a determinate number; tor the more ready discover
ing of which, 1 shall premise the following
Supposing to be an algebraic fraction, in its
lowest terms, x being indeterminate, and a, b, and c,
given whole numbers; then, I say, that the least inte
ger, for the value of x that will also give the value of
aX - an integer, will be found by the following
method of calculation.
Divide the denominator fcj by the co-efficient (a) of
the indeterminate quantity: also divide the divisor by the
remainder, and the last divisor, again, by the last re
mainder ; and so on. till an unit only remains.
Write down all the quotients in a line, as they follow;
under the first of which icrite an unit,and under the second
write the first; then multiply these two together, and
having added the first term of the lower line (or an unit)
to the product, place the sum under the third term of the
upper line : multiply, in like manner, the next two cor
responding terms of the two lines together, and, having
added the second term of the lower to the product, put
down the result under the fourth term of the upper one.:
proceed on, in this way, till you have multiplied by every
number in the upper line.