if Ì7# + 19}/ 4- 21 z rr 400; it is proposed to find
all the possible values of x, y> and z, in whole positive
When the co-efficients of the indeterminate quanti
ties x, a, and z, are nearly equal, as in this equation, it
will be convenient to substitute for the sum of those
quantities. Thus, let x -f y -f z be put r= m; then
by subtracting 17 times this last equation from the pre
ceding one, we shall have 2y + 4z — 400 — 17m; and
by subtracting the given equation from 21 times the
assumed one x + y + z — m, there will remain
4r -h 2y — 21 m — 400. Therefore, since y and 2 can
have no values less than unity, it is plain, from the first
of these two equations, that 400 — 17m cannot be less
than 6, and therefore m not greater than , or
23 : also, because by the second of the two last equa
tions, 21m — 400 cannot be less than 6, it is obvious
that m cannot be less than , or 19 : therefore
19 and 23 are the limits of m, in this case. These be
ing determined, let 4;r be transposed in the last equation
and the whole be divided by 2, and we shall have
y — lOm— 200— itx + — : which being a whole
number, by the question, must likewise be a whole
number, and consequently m an even number ; which,
as the limits of m are 19 and 23, can only be 20, or 22 :
let, therefore, m be first taken — 20, then y will be
come 10 — 2x and z [m — x — y) — 10 + x ;
wherein x being taken equal to 1, 2, 3, and 4, suc
cessively, we shall have y equal to 8, 6, 4, 2, and z
equal to 11, 12, 13, 14, respectively, which are four
of the answers required. Again, let m be taken — 22 ;
then will y — 31 — 2x, and 2 — x — 9 ; wherein, let
x be interpreted by 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15, succes
sively, whence ?/ will come out 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, and 1 ;