,, i. t\/~i , , \ n I ^ Om x CF f Dm x FO
that DC (=m»-bDy) will be zz
j „ tIS Ow / CF— Dm/FO r
and BE (= mn — »H) = : from
whence it appears, that the sine (DC) of the sum (AD)
of any two arches (AC and CD) is equal to the sum of
the rectangles of the sine of the one into the co-sine
of the other, alternately, divided by the radius; and
that the sine (BE) of their difference (AB) is equal to
the difference of the same rectangles, divided also by the
corol. 2.
Moreover, seeing, DG f BE (2m») is —
U w
and DG — BE ( = DH±2D?;) —7^—-—* from the
former of these, we have DG zz — BE, and
from the latter, DG = F - + BE ; which, ex
pressed in words, gives the following Theorems.
Theor. l. Jf the sine o f the mean of three eqttidifferent
arches (supposing the radius unityj be multiplied by
twice the co-sine of the common difference, and the sine
of either extreme be subtracted from the product, the re
mainder will be the sine of the other extreme.
Theor. 2. Or, i f the co-sine of the mean he multiplied
ly twice the sine of the common difference,and the product
be added to or subtracted from the sine of one of the
extremes, the sum or remainder will be the sine of
the other extreme.
These two theorems are of excellent use in the con
struction of the trigonometrical canon: for, supposing
Vhe sine and co-sine of an arch of 1 minute to be found,
by Prop. 6 and 1, and to be denoted by p and q, respec
tively; then the sine of 2 minutes being given from
Prop.4, the sine of3 minutes will from hence he known,
being r 27 x sine 2' — sine 1' [by Theor. 1) or := 2p
x co-sine of 2' F sine of 1' [by Theor. 2.) After the same