From the same equations the problem may be re
solved, when' the distances from the three angular
points to the circumference of the. inscribed circle are
given: for, denoting the said distances by f, g, and h,
you will have AO — x 4- f, BOz: x -I g, and CO—a:
+ h ; which values being wrote in the room of a, b,
and c, there wi 11 arise an equation of six dimensions :
by means whereof x may be found.
problem xxx.
To draw a line NM to touch a circle D, given in mag
nitude and position, so that the part thereof AC, inter
cepted by two other lines BK, BL, given in position, shall
be of a given length,
Suppose CP and DE to be perpendicular to AB, and
DF and DG to AC and PC, respectively; and let DA
DC, and DP be drawn; putting DE — a, DF = 6,
AC — c, BE — d, PC r x, PA rr y, and the tan
gent of the given angle BCP, to the radius l, — t.
Then, by trigonometry, l : t :: x : tx — BP; there
fore DG (— PE) — d — tx; which, multiplied by
v,u t —, give» , for the area of the tri-
2 *2
angle CDP: in like manner the area of the triangle
PDA will be found — ; and that of ADC — ;
2 2