the whole being divided by r — z, their results r 4- 2$1*
x r — z — f x r + ~z: which, ordered, gives
3 rr — tt
X Z — x rr tt.
= «, and x rr — tt — /; then it
will be z 3 — az — f. Therefore find, from the tables,
the arch whose co-sine is
, (th e radius being
unity); take 4 thereof, and find its co-sine; which,
multiplied by 2s/\a, gives the true value .of'2 [see the
last problem.)
Thus, forHe^ample, let the radius OB (= r) zz 1,
and the given *angle CD E rr 25°, whose tangent (t) is
therefore — ,4663; whence %a rr ,23188, and \f zr
Now, by logarithms, it will be log. \f — log. —
i f
\ log.-j-a rr — 1,9425328 rr log. -— L ^-=—rr log. co-sine
20 t a\/
of 28° 50'; whereof the third part is 9 0 36f', whose
log. co-sine (to the radius l) is—>1,9938609; which
added to the \ log. of \a ( rr — 1,6826316)-gives
— 1,6764925 rr log. of 0,47478, whose double ,94956
is the true value of z, or FO : whence the correspond
ing arch BE rr 18 J 16|', and consequently BC (rz2BE)
rr 36° 33 ; .—By means of this problem that portion of
a spherical surface representing the apparent figure
of the sky is determined.
The base AB,‘ and the difference of the angles at the
base being given, while the angles themselves vary; to
find the locus of the vertex E of the triangle.
Let the base AB be bisected in O, and the angle BOD
so constituted as to exceed its supplement AQD by the
given difference of EAB and EBA ; and let ED, APQ,
BSF be perpendicular, and EPF parallel to OD :
then, since the angle BCE (BOD) as much exceeds