Let A and B be two equal weights, made fast to the
ends of a thread, or perfectly flexible line pFnQq, sup
ported by two pins, or tacks, P, Q, in the same horizontal
plane; over which pins the line can freely slide either icay;
and let C be another weight, fastened to the thread, in
the middle, between P and Q : now the question is, to find
the position of the weight C, or its distance below the
horizontal line PQ, to retain the other two weights A and
B in equilibrio.
Let PR { := |*PQ) be denoted by a, and R« (the
distance sought) by x ; and then Pn, or Qn, will be re-
forccs, it will be, as \/ a 1, + x x (P;*) : x (Rh) :: the
whole force of the weight A in the direction P«, to
its force in the direction nR, whereby it en-
V a x 4- x 7
deavours to raise the weight C ; which quantity also
expresses the force of the weight B in the same direc
tion : but the sum of these two forces, since the weights
are supposed to rest in equilibrio, must be equal to that
of the weight C; that is, —j- 2 —.—= C ; whence we
\/a x + x 2
have 4A*x 1 rz C i a x f C 2 x*, and consequently x zx