Draw the right-line AC at pleasure, in which take
AB equal to the difference of the segments of the base,
and make the angle CBE equal to half the supplement
of the given angle ;
and from A to BE
apply AE equal to
the given sum of the
sides; make the an-
. gle EBD = BED
= and let BD meet A E
in D, and from- the
centre D, with the
radius DB, describe
the circle DBC,
cutting AC in C, and join D, C; then will ACD be
the triangle required.
The angle EBD being = BED, therefore is DE =
DB — DC, and consequently AD 4- DC =: AE.
Moreover the angle CDE, at the centre, is double to
the angle CBE, at the periphery, both standing upon
the same arch CE; which last (by construction) is equal
to half the supplement of the given angle, therefore
CDE is equal to the whole supplement, and consequent
ly ADC equal to the given angle itself. Q. E. D.
In the triangle ABE, are given tjie two sides AB, AE,
and the angle ABE, whence the angle A will be given;
then in the triangle ABD will be given all the angles
and the side AB, whence AD and DC (DB) will be also
The angle at the vertex, the sum o f the including sides,
and the ratio of the segments of the base being given ; to
determine the triangle.
Let AG be to GB, in the given ratio of the segments
of the base, and, upon the right-line AB, let a segment