Let CA ami CD be expressed by the numbers exliF
biting the given ratio of the sides’: then in the triangle
ACD will !>e given two sides and the included angle
AC1); whence the angle CAL (CGF) and CEA (CFG)
will be given, and from thence the sides CG and CF.
The base, the perpendicular, and the difference of the
angles at,the base, being given, to construct the triangle.
Bisect the given base AB by the perpendicular DF,
in which take DF equal to the given height of the
triangle; draw CFGH parallel to AB, and make the
angle EDH equal
to the given dif
ference of the an
gles at the base ;
draw EAQ, and
take Q therein,
so that QD =r
£)H; and paral-
p lei to QD, draw
■k AO, meeting DE
in O; upon O, as
a centre, with the
* radius OA, describe the circle AGFCB, and from the
point G, where it cuts the right-line CI1, draw GA and
GB; then will AGB be the triangle required.
Let OG and BC be drawn. Bv reason of the paral
lel lines QD and AO, it will be QD (DH) : AO (OG)
:: ED ; EO; therefore the two triangles EHD, EGO,
having one angle E, common, and the sides about the
other angles D and O proportional are equiangular
(Euc. 7. C.) and consequently EOG = EDH. More
over, because DOEF is perpendicular both to AB and
GC, and AD equal to CD, it is evident that the circle
passes through the point B, and that the arches FC,l G,