and therefore AD : FD : : AQ : HQ : : tang, of DHQ ;
tang. D \Q. Likewise DA : DE(DH) :: sine of DHQ:
sine of DAQ, as was to be shewn.
If AR be suppose 1 to meet the periphery io R, and
R X 1 be drawn parallel to HF, meeting AK in N ; then
will DA - DF, and A\ T : All : : AF : AH; but
(by Euc. 37- 3.) AR : AK :: AE : AII ; whence, by
compounding the terms of these two proportions, &c.
AN: AK :: AF x Ah: AH'; whence AH, as Well
as AD and DH, being known, the angles A and K will
also be known.
To dr ate from a point A in the circumference of a gi
ven circle, tuo subtenses AB and AD, which shall be to
one another in the given ratio of m to n, and cut off two
arches Ali and ABD, in the ratio of 1 to 3.
Draw the diameter AH,
and take the subtense AQ,
in proportion thereto, as
n — m to dm ; from the
centre O draw OB paral
lel to AQ, meeting the
periphery in B ; join A,
B.and make the subtenses
BC and CD each equal
to AB, and draw AD, and
the thing is done.
Join II, Q, and draw BE and CF perpendicular to
The angle AOB (QAII) at the ce ntre, s anding up
on the arch AB, is equal to the angle BAD at the cir
cumference, standing u, on double that arch; therefore,
AQH being equal to ALB or a right angle (Euc. 31. 3.)
thè triangles AQH, ALB, must be equiangular, and
consequently AB : AE :: AH : ¿\Q ; but, by eon-