FR ( = CH) whence AF will be given ; and then, AD
and AF being given, AE —; %/AD x. AF will also be
To find a point in a given triangle ABC, from whence
right lines drawn to the three angular points, shall divide
the whole triangle into parts, \ COA, AOB, BOC,)
having the same ratio one to another, as three given right-
lines, m, n, and p, respectively.
In CA and AB produced, if need be, take CF, arid
AF, each equal to m + n + p, joining E, B and F, C;
take Ce — in,
Ac — n, and
draw eh and cf,
parallel to EB
and CF, meet
ing the sides of
the given tri
angle in h and
f\ draw also
¿Q and /P pa
rallel to AC
and AB, and
at O, the in
tersection of these lines, will be the point required.
Let ¿H and BD be perpendicular to AC. The tri
angles CBE, Che, as also GBD, C6FI are similar;
therefore, m (Ce) : m n F p ( CE) : : Ch : CB : ;
¿>EI : BD : : the triangle AOC : triangle ABC. In
the very same manner it mayEe proved, that the part
AOB is to the whole triangle ABC, as n to m -f n
(- p ; whence it follows, that the remaining part BOC
must he to the whole triangle, as p to m +' n F p ;
therefore these parts are to one another in the given
ratio of m, n, and p. Q. E. I).