The triangles AEB and A^P, being similar, are to one
another as the squares of their perpendicular heights FT
and wîB («S); but »1B 1 is — BQ x AB rr gKF x AB ;
therefore it wiil be, as the triangle AEB (EF x |AB) :
the triangle A/iP :: EF J , : 2EF X AB :: EF : 2AB : :
EF x -JAB : AB 1 (Eue. I. 6.) wherefore, the antece
dents being the same, the consequents must necessarily
be equal, that is, A/iP ABCD. Q. E. D.
In the triangle ABE are given all the angles and the
side AB, whence EF will be given, and consequently
S?i (= \/AB x 2EF); whence AP and An are also
Jf from any point C, in one side of a plane angle K AL,
a right line CB be drawn, cutting both sides AK,AL, in
equal angles (ACB, ABC); and from any other point D
in the same side AK another right line be draicn, to cut
off an area ADE equal to the area ABC; I say y that
DE will be greater than CB.
Complete the parallelogram DCBG, and join B, D,
and in BG (produced if need be) takeBF rz BE, and
draw FD.
Since the triangles ABC, AED are equal, by suppo
sition, and have one
. K. angle, A, common,
•D/ therefore will AD :
AC :: AB (AC) :
AE (Euc. 15. 6.)
and consequently
AD p AE greater
than AC 4- AB
(Euc.25.5.) whence
it is manifest that
CD must be great
er than EB, or BG
than BE. Moreover, because the angle ABC (= ACB