Colophon. ‘ Impressum Romae per lacobum Mazochium. Anno
dni.// M.CCCCC.XVI. Die XXVII. Septembris.’
Description. 12.6 X 19.4 cm. 28 leaves. One of several books
of the sixteenth century treating of proportion from the geometric
standpoint while at the same time making use of arithmetic. The
text is preceded by two Latin poems, and the book is dedicated
to ‘Amplissimo in Xpo patri / &: Dno. D- Laurentio Puccio.//
S.R : E. . . .’
Editions. There were no other editions.
Page 123
To the editions of Grammateus add ‘Erfurt, n. d., but post
July, 1518.’ Also in line 2 of Editions read ‘s. 1. a. (Frankfort,
1544).’ Also see p. 498 of Rara.
Page 126
In 1. 11, for 145 read 146.
Page 130
The colophon of the Algorismus in 1. 2 reads: ‘In officina
Sigismundi Grim Medici ac // Marci Vuirsung, Augustae Vinde-
//licorum. Die. 23. Jan. An. 1520.’
After 1. 8 insert: ‘ This was probably the first arithmetic
printed in French,’ and add: ‘J. Furst, Compendiosa ars nume
randi, Vienna, 1520.’ See Rara, p. 93, for another work by Furst.
Page 130
In Other works of 1520 include a small book printed in Paris
[1520], entitled ‘L Art & sci//ence de arismetique // moult vtille
et prffitable a toutes // ges & facille . . . imprime a Paris ’; see
Fig. 5 on page 14. On fob 6, r, the anonymous author gives ‘les
cinq rei//gles principalles qui sont Nume-//ration. Adition.
Sustraction. mul//tiplication. et partition.//’ As a compendium
of the operations needed in business it is exceptionally good.