[sect. vit.
motion by the crank shaft of a double engine, causing the shaft Z to revolve by
means of the wheels 7, 8; then if on Z two eccentric wheels 4, 4, be fixed under
two rods which slide vertically in guides, (see z, z, Fig. 2.) and provided with
friction rollers 3, 3, the revolution of the shaft Z will alternately raise and depress
the rods, which by the arms 9, 10, 11, 12, raise and depress the valves by their
stems. The lever or handle 13 is used to open or close the valves by hand in
setting to work, &c. It will be remarked that this construction does not admit of
cutting off the steam without also shutting the condenser.
481. As far as regards opening and closing the passages more rapidly, a
good improvement has been made on the eccentric motion, by altering the form
of the portion fixed on the shaft so as to act more nearly as a tooth or cam, and
by placing adjustible spanners on the eccentric rod; but why not at once form it
as a tooth, or a series of teeth, in the best manner to produce the movements
required ? Suppose the object be to cut off the steam at some part of the stroke
by a slide or cock, then there must be two motions, the one double the length of
the other. Let A B, Fig. 1 and 2. Plate ix. be the first, and B G the second,
and from the centre D describe circles through these points; set off A E for the
time to be expended iu closing the passage to the condenser, and A F for the
time of opening the passage for the steam; then, that the action may be easy, the
curve H G should be drawn, so that each of its parts may be a parabola, the one
with its vertex at H, that of the other at G. 1 To produce the second motion,
another wheel should be placed on the same axis, behind the first one, with the
curve I K. If these curves have corresponding ones, and act on connected rollers,
the motion will be certain, and the range confined, and the motions of the engine
may be made to reverse in the case of boat or carriage engines; for the posi
tion of the slide being changed by hand, the pressure of the steam will impel the
crank shaft in the contrary direction, and the toothed wheel will move the slide or
cock in the proper directions.
In order that the steam may be cut off at any period of the stroke, according to
the resistance or the work on the engine, the wheel with the curve I K may be
made to slide round on its axis, and the curve I K may be placed so that the
period of cutting off the steam may be varied from N to O.
482. If valves are to be opened, the weight of the valves and rods is generally
sufficient to close them ; hence the rods do not require to be connected so as both
to push and draw, but on the other hand a separate rod for each valve is required
for a valve engine to work expansively, 2 and the toothed wheels or cams to move
1 The best curve for generating motion from rest is the common parabola. See Emerson’s
Mechanics, 4to ed. prop. 91. case 3.
2 From the nature of the motions of the valves, slides and cocks being incompatible with the