Full text: The steam engine: its invention and progressive improvement, an investigation of its principles, and its application to navigation, manufactures, and railways (Vol. 1)

c, Cover, screwed on the pipe. 
d', Gland, or stuffing box. 
e, Handle of the valve. 
f, Nozle with flanch for connecting the valve with the stop-cock of the injection pipe. 
g, Guard, so constructed as to form a grating, in order to prevent weeds or other 
substances from being admitted into the condensers ; and having a socket rising 
from the centre, through which the lower spindle of the valve passes. 
Ji li, Two copper standards, screwed into the cover, having mortices or key ways 
through them, which coincide in direction with a corresponding one in the rod; 
and are so adjusted, that when the valve is completely open, a key passing 
through them maintains the valve in its place, and thereby prevents its being- 
closed by the pressure of the water without rushing in to fill up the void in the 
condensers. \ 
z, Key, or cutter, for fixing the valve as above. 
zri, Ship’s timbers. 
or, Planking of the ship’s bottom. 
These are the same as the Injection, with the exception of the grating. 
The situation of the pipes being fixed, a close jacket of fearnought, well covered 
on both sides with a mixture of white and red lead, is sewn on from the base to the 
lower part of the screw, and a corresponding hole is formed in the ship’s bottom. 
Then the pipe, being set up in its place by shores, is firmly screwed up by the 
cover, and the space between the cone and a corresponding flanch of copper sheathing 
(extending two or three inches up between the planking and the cone, to protect the 
former from the attacks of the worm) is well caulked; this done, a copper screw is 
fitted through the lower part of the cone, into the wood, to prevent the possibility of 
the pipe turning or heaving the cover on or off. 
The cover is now taken off, and the space around the upper part of the pipe is 
caulked; then it is finally replaced and screwed down on a copper washer of about 
inch in thickness. 
The chocks are well coated on their under sides with red and white lead.

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