Full text: The steam engine: its invention and progressive improvement, an investigation of its principles, and its application to navigation, manufactures, and railways (Vol. 1)

Moloch of high pressure steam, than has ever occurred with low pressure steam during 
the whole progress of steam navigation, extending now almost to a period of 40 years, 
and in the course of which nearly 3000 steam vessels have been fitted out and suc 
cessfully worked. 
a «, The steam nozle and valves* 
A, The cylinder. 
B B, The sway beams. 
C, The cross head. 
D, Main gudgeon. 
E E, The side rods. 
F, The fork head. 
G, The connecting rod. 
H H, The cranks. 
I I, The shafts. 
K K, The side frames. 
L L L, The condenser, hot well, and 
foundation plate, all cast in one piece. 
M, The air pump. 
N, The feed pump. 
0 0, The sleepers. 
P, The crank pins. 
b b, The eduction nozle and valves. 
c, The steam pipe. 
d, The throttle valve. 
e, Handle and rod of throttle valve. 
f Starting lever. 
g, Spill of steam valve. 
h, Spill of eduction valve. 
i i i i, Levers for working the 
k, Rod to connect levers. 
11, Parallel motion. 
m, Snifting valves. 
n, Blow through valve. 
o, Eccentric rod. 
p, Eccentric beam and balance. 
. 30 strokes. 
. 17 ft. 6 in. 
17 6 
3 4 
3 6 
80 tons. 
18 feet long, 14 feet 2 inches wide, and 7 feet high. 
9 ft. 2 in. 
15 inches. 
Speed of the engine 
Diameter of wheel. 
Diameter of the float 
Diameter of cylinder 
Length of stroke . 
Weight of engines (two) 
Dimensions of boiler 
Length of paddle board . 
Width of board 
Speed through still water 
This boat has run four times a day to and from Gravesend six months, making 
48,600 miles; a feat never equalled. 
Beats Red Rover 
13^ miles. 
Star . 
10 minutes. 
27 „

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