Full text: The steam engine: its invention and progressive improvement, an investigation of its principles, and its application to navigation, manufactures, and railways (Vol. 1)

DIAGRAM, No. 3. 
15-97 —3 3-97 ; 13,97 *—- 27 X 228 = 272-8 Horses’ Power. 
Pressure of Steam in Boilers, 10 inches of Mercury. Taken in the Humber; strong 
head wind and ebb tide. Revolutions, 19. Condenser Gauge, 29-3. lOh. 30m. A.M. 
From London to Hull. April 8th, 1838. 
DIAGRAM, No. 4. 
14-41 — 2 = 12-41 
12-41 X 2827 X 261 — 97-7.4, Horses’ Power. 
Pressure of Steam in Boilers, 12 inches of Mercury. Revolutions, 21-75. Con 
denser Gauge, 29-5. lOh. 30m. A.M. Taken in the River Thames. 
From Hull to London. April 12th, 1838.

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