Full text: The steam engine: its invention and progressive improvement, an investigation of its principles, and its application to navigation, manufactures, and railways (Vol. 1)

Fire grating, supply of air and area of . 115 
rule for . App. 210 
engine . . .25 
places . . .132 
Watt’s . . . ibid 
Roberton’s . .133 
Brunton’s . .134 
regulation of . . . 137 
Fitzgerald, Keane . . .20 
Float . . . .135 
Flues .... 251 
internal . . .125 
Fluids .... 47, 109 
resistance of . . 292—308 
Flywheel . . 20, 163, 256 
velocity of . .258 
danger of . . ibid 
rules for . .259 
Formula for the heat of conversion into 
steam . . .50 
finding the volume steam will 
occupy under any compressive force 
not exceeding 60 atmospheres . 84 
area of steam passages . 90 
loss of velocity of steam from 
bends or obstructions in the pipes . 91 
loss of force of steam by cool 
ing in passing through the steam pipe 92 
loss hy cooling cylinder 99 
area of chimneys 102, 103 
fire surface . . 117 
quantity of water for conden 
sation . . . 147 
power of the steam of a cubic 
foot of water . . .155 
power of steam of a cubic foot 
of water when acting expansively . ibid 
the greatest quantity of me 
chanical power the steam of a cubic 
foot of water will give when acting 
expansively . . .156 
proportion of length of cy 
linder to diameter . .162 
best velocity for the engine 
to work with . . .164 
capacity of air pump . 169 
Formula for power required to work air 
pump . . .171 
friction of pistons 221, 222 
circular force of crank . 229 
stress on the axis or shaft ibid 
length of radius rods for pa 
rallel motion . 231,233,234, 235 
strength of rods subjected to 
tensile strain . . , 240 
piston rods . 241 
cranks . . 243 
— wheel arms . ibid 
beams . . ibid 
shafts . . 245 
— beam gudgeons . ibid 
—— pipes and cylinders 247 
flat plates to bear the 
pressure of steam . . 248 
the greatest stress in lbs. on a 
circular inch a plate will bear . 249 
strength of boilers formed of 
plates . . 251, 252 
cast iron boilers . 253 
fly wheels . .259 
counter weights . 260 
paddle wheels . 303, 304 
the angle when the effective 
resistance of the paddle is greatest App. 49 
effective leverage of crank — 175 
angular velocities of crank for 
one engine . . — 177 
deviation from mean value of 
angular velocities . . ibid 
angular velocities of a crank 
for a pair of engines . — 180 
the screw propeller applied to 
steam vessels . — 231 
Foot valve . . . 205 
Friction of engines . . 40 
of bodies . . . 215 
of fluids . . 293,313 
of pistons . . 221,222 
of slides . . . 209 
Fuel, effect of . . 22, 194, 195, 201 
nature of . .105 
measure of effect of . . 107

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