Full text: The steam engine: its invention and progressive improvement, an investigation of its principles, and its application to navigation, manufactures, and railways (Vol. 1)

Plate 42. Boilers of H. M. ships Hermes, 
Spitfire, and Firefly . . 368 
Plates 43, 44, 45, 46. Elevation, plan, and 
two sections of the engine room of the 
armed Russian steam ships Jason and 
Colchis . . .369 
Plates 47, 48. Hall’s improvements on 
steam engines . . 370 
Extracts from his specifica 
tion . . . ibid 
Plates 49, 50. Engines of H. M. steam ship 
Megsera . . .378 
Action of the valves . 380 
Plates 51, 52, 53, 54. Engines of the Hull 
and London steam packet William Wil- 
berforce . . . 382 
Plate 55 (A). Longitudinal section of Hum- 
phrys’s patent marine engine . 390 
Plate 55 (B). Longitudinal elevation of 
Humphrys’s engine . .391 
Plate 56 (A). Midship section of the steam 
packet Dartford, showing a front 
elevation of a pair of Humphrys’s 
engines . . . ibid 
Plate 56 (B). Plan of the engines of the 
Dartford . . .392 
Plates 57, 58, 59. Forty-five-horse power 
engine, constructed by W. Fairbairn 
and Co. . . ibid 
Plates 60, 61, 62, 63. Ten-horse power en 
gine, constructed by W. Fairbairn 
and Co. . . ibid 
Plate 64. Elevation of a locomotive engine, 
Stanhope and Tyne Railway; con 
structed by Messrs. R. Stephenson 
and Co., of Newcastle-upon-Tyne 394 
Plate 65. Section of ditto . . 396 
Plate 66. Safety valves of ditto . ibid 
Plate 67 (A). Cylinder cover and connect 
ing rods of ditto . . 397 
Plates 67 (B). Cylinder and piston at large 
of ditto . . .398 
Plate 68. Plan and section of boiler seating 
for a twenty-horse engine, at the ma 
nufactory of Messrs. Whitworth and 
Co., Manchester . . 399 
Plate 69. Messrs. Hague’s double acting 
cylinder with slides . . 399 
Plates 70 A, 70 B. Sections of the engines 
of the Berenice steam vessel . 400 
Plates 71, 72. Beale’s patent rotatory en 
gine . . . 401 
Plate 73. Mr. Ayre’s contrivance for pre 
venting a locomotive engine from run 
ning off a railway . . 403 
Plates 74 to 83. Relate to Mr. Mornay’s 
paper on paddle wheels . App. 117 
Plates 84 to 88. Sixty-five inch cylinder 
engine, erected by Messrs. Maudslay, 
Sons and Field, at Chelsea water-works 
Plates 89 to 92. Patent locomotive engine, 
made by Messrs. R. Stephenson and 
Co. for the London and Birmingham 
Railway . . .407 
Plate 93. Drawings of the Comet, the first 
steam boat in Europe . .470 
Plate 94. The Pacha’s steam vessel of war, 
the Nile . . .471 
Plates 95, 96. The Hon. East India Com 
pany’s steam vessel Berenice . ibid 
Plate 97. Draught of the Forbes steamer 473 
Plate 98. Herne Bay steam packet Red 
Rover . - • 474 
Plate 99. Diamond Company’s steam packet 
Ruby . • .475 
Plates 100 to 103. Her Majesty’s steam 
vessel of war Medea . .477 
Plates 104 to 107. Construction of the Nile 
steam ship, built for the Pacha of Egypt 483 
Plates 108, 109, 110. His Imperial Ma 
jesty’s armed steam vessel Colchis 492 
Plates 111, 111 (A). Engines of the steam 
ship Tiger . . .497 
Plate 112. The Admiralty yacht Firebrand 498 
Plate 113. Portrait of the late Mr. Watt 500 
Plate 114. Portrait of the late Mr. Tredgold ibid 
Plates 115, 117, 118. Illustrate the state of 
steam navigation in America . ibid 
Plug tree . . .224 
Poisson . . . . 86, 291 
Portable engine . . 22, 28, 38

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