Full text: The steam engine: its invention and progressive improvement, an investigation of its principles, and its application to navigation, manufactures, and railways (Vol. 1)

Southern’s mode of experimenting on high 
pressure steam . . 69 
experiments by . .51,70 
on the force of steam . 70 
Speed of vessels . . 311,813 
Spring beams . . .262 
Stability of vessels . . 289 
Stamping engines . . 279 
Steam, density of, directly as the pressure 52 
condensation of . . 146 
elastic force of .51, 56, 62, 64, 70 
rules for 58, 59, 82, 83 
volume of 
. App. 205 
. 12, 16, 52, 83, 84 
— inversely as the pressure 52 
rules for . 84, App. 206 
expansion of . 83 
temperature . . 58 
capacity of, for heat greater than 
that of water . . .48 
— Robison’s apparatus for determin 
ing the force of . .63 
— generation and condensation of . 105 
— heat to produce 49, 51, 52, 55, 56, 113 
— power of . . . 150 
to produce rectilinear motion 153 
modes of applying the power of 160 
power, rotary . . 157 
latent heat of . 48, 56, 112 
mixture of air and . . 84 
motion of, in an engine . 88 
effect of . . 312 
escape of, at valves . 103, 143 
quantity of, for engines 
176, 180, 181, 187, 190, 192, 196 
force of . . 32, 41, 56—84 
Steam vessels . . 14, 41, 288 
Red Rover . 358, 474 
City of Canterbury . 358 
Medea . App. 100 
African . . 355 
Caledonia . App. 100 
Asia . . . ibid 
Vanguard . . ibid 
Nile . . 361,483 
Phoenix . . 363 
Steam vessels, Rhadamanthus, Salamander 
{Plates 38, 39) . . 363 
Ruby . . 364, 475 
Don Juan . .368 
Hermes, Spitfire, Firefly - . ibid 
Jason and Colchis . 369 
enumeration of, fitted with 
Hall’s improvements . .376 
Megaera . . 378 
— William Wilberforce . 382 
Dartford . .391 
Comet . . 470 
Forbes . . 473 
Berenice . 400, 471 
Colchis . . 492 
Tiger . .497 
Firebrand . . 498 
Great Western . .357 
Car of Neptune (U. S.) App. 103 
Sun (U. S.) . — 105 
North America (U. S.) — 106 
President (U. S.) — 107 
New Philadelphia (U. S.) — 108 
Fulton (U. S.) . — 110 
—— North Carolina (U. S.) . ibid 
Cornelius Vanderbitt (U. S.) ibid 
Highlander (U. S.) . ibid 
Lexington, dimensions (U. S.) Ill 
Dewitt Clinton (U. S.) — 110 
Savannah (U. S.) — 113 
Cleopatra (U. S.) — 114 
Massachusetts (U. S.) . ibid 
register tonnage of . 320 
navigation of 14, 31, 41, 288, 360 
engines of . . 314 
— pressure engines . 25, 175, 191 
— case . . 38, 92, 93, 95 
— gauge . . . 266 
— cylinder . . .161 
— indicator . . .267 
— engine, invention and improvement 
of . . . . 1—46 
general theory of, by Editor 
App. 173 
Dickinson’s . . 32 

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