Full text: The quantum and its interpretation

XII Quantum Magnetic Tubes in Rotation . . .160 
1. The Electric Field of Magnetic Tubes in Rotation . 160 
2. A Quantum Magnetic Tube in Rotation . . 162 
3. The Equivalent Charge of a Rotating Tube . . 163 
4. Electrons regarded as Rotating Tubes . . .165 
5. Discussion of the Electronic Models . . .168 
XIII Planck’s Constant and the Electron . . *171 
1. The Quantum and the Electron . . . .171 
2. The Relation of Lewis and Adams and the Values of> 
the Quantum Constants . . . . .174 
3. Relations involving the Constant a . . .178 
XIV The Structure of Radiation . . . . .184 
1. The Nature of Light . . . . . .184 
2. Light Quanta . . . . . . -185 
3. Propagation along Lines of Force . . . .186 
4. Light and Electrons . . . . . .188 
5. The Electric Ring Quantum . . . . .190 
6. A Magnetic Light Quantum . . . . 194 
7. Interference and the Light Quantum Hypothesis . 195 
8. Experimental Evidence for Light Quanta . . 197 
9. Angular Momentum in Radiation Processes . .199 
10. The Theory of de Broglie . . . . .201 
XV The Zeeman Effect ....... 204 
1. The Discovery of Zeeman and the Classical Explana 
tion ......... 204 
2. The Quantum Theory of the Zeeman Effect . .206 
3. Anomalous Zeeman Effects . . . . .210 
4. Multiplicity of Spectral Terms . . . .212 
5. Magnetic or Relativity Doublets . . . *215 
XVI Spinning Electrons . . . . . . .216 
1. Early Work on Spinning Electrons . . .216 
2. The Spinning Electron and the Bohr Atom . . 217 
3. The Gyromagnetic Electron of L. V. King . . 222 
XVII The New Quantum Mechanics ..... 224 
1. The Work of Heisenberg ..... 224 
2. Matrix Mechanics . . . . . . .227 
3. The Quantum Algebra of Dirac . . . .231 
4. The Undulatory Mechanics of Schrodinger . . 233 
5. Statistical Methods and the Quantum Theory . 240

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