Full text: The quantum and its interpretation

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identify the first case with a positive electron, the second with 
a negative electron. 
Let m P be the mass of the proton (+ ve electron), and m c 
the mass of the corpuscle ( — ve electron). Then, in accordance 
with the principle of relativity, 
m-pC 2 — hv r + \hv 
m c c 2 = hv r — \hv s . . . . 12:17 
That is to say, we have here expressions for the mass of the 
proton and the corpuscle expressed in terms of these two 
frequencies v r and v s . Dividing the first by the second we get 
at once 
% _ 2V r + V s 
and therefore 
m P + m c _ 2v, 
Mp — m c v 
The value found experimentally for —- is very nearly 1833 
m c 
(Bucherer and Ladenburg). Using this numerical value we find 
= 0-50051. This means that the frequency of rotation of 
our magnetic tube is rather larger than one half the frequency 
characteristic of the stationary tube. 
It is convenient to express the frequency in terms of the 
fundamental Rydberg frequency v^ . Putting = a 
this relation may be written 
h*K 2 ' 
From the equations we find without difficulty the results 
V JZ.( 
a 2 ' 
\m c 
2V oo ( 
a 2 ' 
\m c 
Substituting the numerical values 
v ao = 3’27I X IO 16 
we find

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