Full text: The quantum and its interpretation

The Books mentioned below are concerned as a whole or in part 
with the quantum theory. 
Adams. The Quantum Theory. (Bulletin of the National Research 
Council, 2nd Edition, 1923.) 
Allen. Photo-electricity. (Longmans, 2nd Edition, 1925.) 
Andrade. The Structure of the Atom. (Bell, 2nd Edition, 1927.) 
Birtwistle. The Quantum Theory of the Atom. (Cambridge 
University Press, 1926.) 
Bligh. The Evolution and Development of the Quantum Theory. 
(Arnold, 1926.) 
Bohr. The Theory of Spectra and Atomic Constitution. (Cam 
bridge University Press, 1922.) 
Born, Max. The Mechanics of the Atom. (G. Bell & Sons, 1927.) 
Problème der Atomdynamik. (Springer, 1926.) 
De Broglie. X-Rays. (Methuen, 1925.) 
Campbell. Modem Electrical Theory. Supplementary Chapters on 
Series Spectra and The Structure of the Atom in separate 
volumes. (Cambridge University Press.) 
Clark. The Basis of Modern Atomic Theory. (Methuen, 1926.) 
Compton and Mohler. Critical Potentials. (Bulletin of the 
National Research Council, 1924.) 
Crowther. Molecular Physics. (Churchill, 4th Edition, 1927.) 
Foote and Mohler. The Origin of Spectra. (American Chemical 
Society Monographs, 1922.) 
Fowler. Report on Series in Line Spectra. (Physical Society, 
Hughes. Report on Photo-electricity including Ionizing and Radiat 
ing Potentials. (Bulletin of the National Research Council, 
Jeans. Report on Radiation and the Quantum Theory. (Physical 
Society of London, 2nd Edition, 1924.) 
The Dynamical Theory of Gases. Chapters on Radiation and 
the Quantum Theory. (Cambridge University Press, 3rd 
Edition, 1921.) 
Atomicity and Quanta. (Cambridge University Press, 1926.) 
Lewis. A System of Physical Chemistry. Vol. Ill, Quantum 
Theory. (Longmans, 1924.) 
Oliver Lodge. Atoms and Rays. (Benn, 1924.) 
Loring. Atomic Theories. (Methuen, 1921.) 

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