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Messrs. Methuen’s 
This Catalogue contains only a selection of the more important 
books published by Messrs. Methuen. A complete catalogue of 
their publications may be obtained on application. 
Ashby (Thomas). 
Some Italian Festivals. With 24 
Illustrations. Crown 8vo. ys. 6d. net. 
Bain (F. W.) 
A Digit of the Moon. The Descent 
of the Sun. A Heifer of the Dawn. 
In the Great God’s Hair. A 
Draught of the Blue. An Essence 
of the Dusk. An Incarnation of 
the Snow. A Mine of Faults. The 
Ashes of a God. Bubbles of the 
Foam. A Syrup of the Bees. The 
Livery of Eve. The Substance of a 
Dream. All Fcap. 8vo. 5s. net. An 
Echo of the Spheres. Wide Demy 
8vo. 10s. 6d. net. 
Balfour (Sir Graham) 
The Life of Robert Louis Stevenson. 
Twentieth Edition. In one Volume. 
Cr. 8vo. Buckram, 7s. 6d. net. 
Barker (Ernest) 
National Character. Demy 8uo. 
10s. 6d. net. Greek Political 
Theory : Plato and his Predecessors. 
Second Edition. Demy 8t>o. 14s. net. 
Belloc (Hilaire) 
Paris. The Pyrenees. Each 8s. 6d. 
net. On Nothing. Hills and the Sea. 
On Something. This and That and 
the Other. On. Each 6s. net. First 
and Last. On Everything. On 
Anything. Emmanuel Burden. Each 
3 s. 6d. net. Marie Antoinette. 18s. 
net. A History of England. In 5 
vols. Vols. I, II and III. 15s. net 
each. Hills AND the Sea. Illustrated 
in Colour by Donald Maxwell. 15s. 
Birmingham (George A.) 
A Wayfarer in Hungary. Illustrated. 
8s. 6d. net. A Wayfarer in Ireland. 
Illustrated. 7s. 6d. net. Spillikins : 
a Book of Essays. 3s. 6d. net. Ships 
and Sealing Wax : a Book of Essays. 
5s. net. 
Budge (Sir E. A. Wallis) 
A History of Ethiopia : Nubia and 
Abyssinia. Illustrated. In 2 vols. 
£3 i3- ? - 6d. net. 
Bulley (M. H.) 
Art and Counterfeit. Illustrated. 
15s. net. Ancient and Medieval Art : 
A Short History. Second Edition, 
Revised. Crown 8vo. 10s. 6d. net. 
Chandler (Arthur), D.D. 
Ara Cceli. 5s. net. Faith and Experi 
ence. 5s. net. The Cult of the Pass 
ing Moment. 6s. net. The English 
Church and Reunion. 5s. net. Scala 
Mundi. 4s. 6d. net. 
Chesterton (G. K.) 
The Ballad of the White Horse. 
Charles Dickens. Each Fcap. 8vo. 
3s. 6d. net. All Things Considered. 
Tremendous Trifles. Fancies versus

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