(317) Ÿf + Cî - Cl = A
0Vi— vf) dP
M dT
in heat units.
The Specific Heats in Terms of the Latent Heats
It can be proved by differentiation of the first forms of (309)
and (310) and the necessary substitutions that,
Compare Planck’s “Thermodynamik.”
Examples of the Thermodynamic Data
1. Carnot’s Cycle. In Fig. 3 the area enclosed between the
isotherms (1.3) and the adiabats (2.4) represents the work
done, W, in the cyclic process, and the figure is called the indicator
diagram. This is used in studying the efficiency of engines,
whether the process is natural or mechanical, and there is a very
large literature on the subject. No applications have as yet
been made in the atmosphere, for two reasons, the first because
of the difficulty of tracing out the history of a given mass, and
the second because the values of Cv in the formula are not
constant, and the true values of it have not heretofore been
computed. However, it is possible to take a standard mass,
as one kilogram of air at an initial point, and trace out the
conditions through which it must have passed in rising from the
surface through changing P. v. T. till it arrives at the surface
again in the original state, even though the path during its
circulation may not be known. This work will be reserved for
further studies.
2. Cyclic Process for Vapors. In Fig. 4, we have,
(320) (z> 2 — i>i) d Mi the mass which evaporates in expansion.
(321) (v* — Vi) d M2 the mass which condenses in compression.