Full text: Nature versus natural selection

Nor is the assertion that there is a necessary competition 
between the members of different species borne out by 
actual observation. Mr. Darwin tells us that— 
“ Animals of many kinds are social; we find even distinct species 
living together. For example, some American monkeys ; and united 
flocks of rooks, jackdaws and starlings. Man shows the same feeling 
in his strong love for the dog, which the dog returns with interest. 
Everyone must have noticed how miserable horses, dogs, sheep, &c., 
are, when separated from their companions, and what strong mutual 
affection—the two former kinds at least—show on their reunion.”— 
(.Descent of Man. p. 100.) 
Prince Kropotkin says :— 
“ As soon as spring comes back . . . each of our hedges, each 
grove, each ocean cliff, and each of the lakes and ponds, with which 
Northern America, Northern Europe, and Northern Asia are dotted, 
tell us the tale of what mutual aid means for the birds ; what force, 
energy, and protection it confers to every living being, however feeble 
and defenceless it otherwise might be. Take, for instance, one of 
the numberless lakes of the Russian and Siberian steppes. Its shores 
are peopled with myriads of aquatic birds, belonging to at least 
a score of different species, all living in perfect peace, all protecting 
one another. For several hundred yards from the shore the air is 
filled with gulls and terns, as with snowflakes on a winter day. 
Thousands of plovers and sand-coursers run over the beach, 
searching their food, whistling and simply enjoying life. Further on, 
on almost each wave, a duck is rocking, while higher up you notice 
the flocks of the Casarki ducks. Exuberant life swarms everywhere. 
And here are the robbers—the strongest, the cunningest ones, those 
‘ ideally organised for robbery.’ And you hear their hungry, angry, 
dismal cries, as for hours in succession they watch the opportunity of 
snatching from this mass of living beings one single unprotected 
individual. But as soon as they approach, their presence is signalled 
by dozens of voluntary sentries, and hundreds of gulls and terns 
set to chase the robber. Maddened by hunger, the robber soon 
abandons his usual precautions : he suddenly dashes into the living 
mass, but, attacked from all sides, he again is compelled to retreat. 
From sheer despair he falls upon the wild ducks, but the intelligent 
social birds rapidly gather in a flock and fly away if the robber is an 
ern ; they plunge into the lake if it is a falcon ; or they raise a cloud 
of water-dust and bewilder the assailant if it is a kite. And while 
life continues to swarm on the lake, the robber flies away with cries of 
anger, and looks out for carrion, or for a young bird or field-mouse 
not yet used to obey in time the warnings of its comrades. In

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