Full text: Nature versus natural selection

the disagreeable taste is sometimes due to the pigment 
cells contained in the skin, and thus the intelligence of the 
monkey rendered the protection of the caterpillar of no 
Some animals pinch their victims before they swallow 
“A drone-fly (Eristalis tenax), which presents so remarkable 
a likeness to a bee, was offered to an Australian crow, which took it 
and carefully pinched it with the tip of the bill before eating.”— 
(Beddard. p. iJJ-) 
“These caterpillars (the larvae of our common Noctuae, Mames- 
tra persicariae) were eaten after being well pinched by a Glossy 
Starling, and by the Greater Spotted Woodpecker.”— (p. /jj.) 
“ The Australian plover pinched the larva carefully before swallow 
ing it ”—(p. Ij6.) 
The explanation in this case is doubtless to be found in 
the source of the disagreeable element, viz., the osmateria 
or “stench-throwers,” which secrete an offensive-smelling 
substance, and eject it when the animal is attacked. 
By voiding the contents of this organ, the insect would 
become more eatable, and this is probably the cause of 
the tactics of the bird. 
In the case in which a disagreeable flavour pervaded 
the whole system of the victim, and no other food was at 
hand, the insect-eater would have to choose between eat 
ing what was distasteful at first or perishing from want 
of food. In the majority of cases the animal would prefer 
the former alternative. At first, no doubt, it would eat 
its victim without any great relish. It would feel very 
much as the backwoodsman did when he said, “ I kin eat 
crow ; O yes, I kin eat crow; but, blame me, if I hanker 
arter it.” But habit will do much, and doubtless after a 
time the sense of anything disagreeable would pass away. 
The flavour would become actually agreeable, and food

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