Full text: Nature versus natural selection

Bates, H. W. : on animal coloura 
tion, 160; on mimicry in rela 
tion to Natural Selection, 178, 
194-5 ; on protective habits of 
shrimps and prawns, 184-5 > on 
unprotectiveness of nauseous 
taste amongst insects, 218. 
Bateson, William : on protec 
tive method of concealment 
amongst crabs, 171-2 ; on mimi 
cry amongst flies, 202. 
Bears, Polar: colouration of, 189-93. 
Becker, A. : on sudden disap 
pearance of sousliks, 53. 
Beddard, F. E. : on scientific ob 
servation, 182 ; on colouration of 
snow-bunting, 188, of arctic foxes, 
191, of bears, 191-2 ; on acci 
dental colouration with a varied 
environment, 205 ; on coloura 
tion of puff-adder, 205-6 ; on 
correlation between conspicuous 
colouration and nauseous taste 
amongst insects, 207-8 ; on warn 
ing colouration, 208 ; on nauseous 
skin of caterpillar not protective, 
214; on caterpillars being pinched 
before eaten by birds, 215 ; on 
non-universality of nauseous taste 
in heliconius beskii, 219; on skin- 
pigments the cause of nauseous 
taste, 220 ; on influence of exter 
nal conditions on salurnia, 396 ; 
on cause of colouration in ani 
mals, 404-5 ; on non-useful vari 
ation in insects, 411. 
Beech : extermination of, by birch, 
no, 105. 
Bees : great increase in imported, 
in New Zealand, 51 ; intelligence 
in, 242-3. 
Beetles : co-operation amongst, 87 ; 
unprotectiveness of nauseous 
taste amongst, 218. 
Belt, Thomas : on variation, 4 ; 
on bird-life in tropics, 22 ; on 
indiscriminative slaughter of wari 
by jaguars, 62; on protective 
secretion of some insects, 166 ; 
on protective colouration and 
sagacity of locust, 173-4 ; on 
protective mimicry of move 
ments by insects, 175 ; on mim 
etic colouration of spiders, 176; 
Belt, Thomas—(continued). 
on mimicry, 195 ; on co-operation 
amongst birds, 200; on corre 
lation between conspicuous col 
ouration and nauseous taste, 207; 
on physiological barriers to 
breeding amongst variants, 384. 
Bennett, A. W.: on mimicry in 
relation to Natural Selection, 
177-8 ; on probability of survival 
of a favourable variant, 201. 
Berberis, Spines of : 416. 
Bifurcation of Species : 324-6. 
“Bird-droppings”: 174-5. 
Birds : dangers to life of eggs and 
young, 61 ; sociability amongst, 
88-9 ; as destroyers of insects, 
164-5 i protective colouration of, 
1 73, 185 ; co-operation amongst, 
200; loss of nest-building in 
stinct in, 262 ; faculties of very 
young birds, 267 ; hybridisation 
of, 353-4 ; variations in, 487-8 ; 
evolution of, from reptile, 504. 
Bisache : habits of, 253-5. 
Bison : co-operation amongst, 94. 
Blanchard, Emile : on hybrisa- 
tion of hares and rabbits, 355-6. 
Blind Animals : evolution of, 377-9, 
Boisduval, J. A.: on resemblance 
amongst butterflies, 161. 
Bonnet : on instinct, 225-6. 
Bree, Dr. C. R.: on special crea 
tion, 471. 
Breeding : Physiological barriers 
to, 382-4. 
Bronn, H. G. : on distinct species 
never different from each other 
in single characters but in many 
parts, 342. 
Browning, Rout. : Pippa Passes 
quoted, 422. 
Bryant, Capt. (quoted by Darwin): 
on sexual selection in seals, 39-40. 
BRYDEN, H. A. : on the eland as 
illustration of Law of Parsimony, 
Büchner, Prof. Ludwig : on in 
stinct in butterflies, etc., 264; 
in birds, 265. 
Buck, Spike-horned: an instance 
of abrupt structural modification, 
359-60, 361—v. also Deer.

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