Full text: Nature versus natural selection

Buckland, Frank : on influence 
of external conditions on oysters, 
Buffon, G. L. L., Comte de : on 
origin of species, 472. 
Butterflies : protective colouration 
of, 173, 176-7 ; mimetic structure 
and colouration of, 195 ; false 
mimicry amongst, 196-7 ; in 
effectiveness of protective nau 
seous taste amongst, 218-9 > 
instinct in, 263-4— v - a l so Heli- 
conidæ, Insects, Moths. 
Cabbage- : protective col 
ouration of, 174, 193-4 ; influence 
of environment on colouration of 
caterpillar of, 407-8. 
Peacock-: influence of 
external conditions on, 396. 
Cabbage : compensation of growth 
in, 336- 
Calderwood, Prof. Henry : on 
instinct in lower animals, 235. 
Candolle, Alfred de (quoted by 
Wallace) : on usual abortiveness 
of attempts to naturalize plants, 
in; on geographical distribu 
tion of plants, 530 ; (quoted by 
Darwin) on winged seeds never 
found in fruits which do not 
open, 342. 
Capra negaceros : inherited effects 
of habit in, 440. 
Carleton, Will : Farm Ballads 
quoted, 36. 
Carp and Gold-fish : compared,296. 
Carpenter, Dr. W. B. : on in 
stinct in caterpillars, 232, in dogs, 
243 ; on amoeba, 237-8. 
Carrington, J. F. : on protective 
colouration of cabbage butterfly, 
Carrot : influence of external con 
ditions on, 398. 
Carus, Dr. (quoted by Kirby) : 
on sensitive life existent without 
nerves, 238. 
Catchpole, Mr. : on hybridisa 
tion, 386. 
Caterpillars : protective method of 
concealment of, 172 ; protective 
colouration, etc., 176,185-6; pro 
tective nauseous taste of, 212-3 » 
Caterpillars—( continued). 
hairy covering not always pro 
tective, 214 ; pinched by birds 
before being eaten, 215 ; instinct 
in, 232 ; use of chlorophyll by, 
403-4, of tannin, 404-5 ; influence 
of environment on colour of, 408 ; 
conspicuous colouration of, not 
due to Natural Selection, 522-3 
— v. also Cabbage-butterfly, 
Tiger moth. 
Cats : absence of instinct in, 231 ; 
instinct in, 231 ; instinct and 
character in, 259. 
of Mombas : influence of 
environment on, 423. 
Cattle : Black Cattle (Columbus’) in 
America, 51-2 ; independence of 
character checked by struggle 
for existence, 70 ; Mr. Romanes’ 
pictures of, as the outcome of 
Artificial Selection, 151-2. 
Niata : variations in, 
Cattle-breeding : objects to be 
aimed at, 142. 
Cells: sensitiveness of, 573-6; fission 
of, 576-7 ; conjugation, 578, 579- 
Centipede: instinct in, 236; too 
low to possess instinct, 235. 
Chameleon : experiment of, on bee 
in absence of ordinary food, 214. 
Chambers, Dr. Robt. : on unity 
of organic nature, 456, 457, 587 ; 
on argument for organic evolution 
from rudimentary structures,458; 
from geographical distribution, 
458-9» 459-6o ; from geology, 459; 
from embryology, 460; from men 
tal constitution, 460-1; on special 
creation, 461-2 ; on sentimental 
objections to doctrine of descent 
of man, 462 ; on variation in gold 
fish, 487 ; on arrested develop 
ment of tadpoles, 543. 
DIA : on indiscriminate voracity 
of pike, 62 ; on capture of prey 
by lions, 63 ; on instinct in larva 
of ant-lion, 234 ; on incubating 
instinct in pythons, 265 ; on 
hybridisation of hares and rab 
bits, 355.

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