Full text: Nature versus natural selection

Danaidce : protective elasticity of, 
166-7 ; acquisition of protective 
nauseous secretions by, 217. 
Darwin, Charles : on variation, 
4-5, 6, 10, 19, 146 ; on law of cor 
related variation, 334, 338-40, 
341, 343-7 ; of instincts, 279-80, 
284; ofNiataox, 427; of imported 
plants, 534 ; on unuseful varia 
tions, 306, 410, 411 ; on useful 
variations, 421, 422 ; on causes 
of variability, 365-6 ; on natural 
“Preservation,” 15 ; on Struggle 
for Existence, 17-9, 43, 76,96,97 ; 
on Survival of Fittest, 23, 145 ; 
amongst gulls, 443 ; amongst 
owls, 443 ; amongst scarlet-run 
ners, 33-4, 139-40 ; on chance, 
27-9, 60; on evolution of human 
eye, 33 » on Sexual Selection, 36, 
37-8, 38-9 ; on romantic love in 
animals, 38-9 ; on rate of increase 
of man and elephants, 46 ; on 
destruction of life as a check to 
natural rate of increase, 47, 57 ; 
his relation to Malthus, 50 ; on 
increase in imported plants, 52 ; 
on rarity of species, 57 ; on ac 
cidental destruction of life, 62 ; 
on indiscriminate destruction of 
life in seedlings, 66 ; on the 
element of time in variation, 
72-3 ; on animal sociability, 88 ; 
on co-operation amongst ba 
boons, 93 ; amongst hawks, 93 ; 
on Natural Selection, 104-5, 138, 
146, 158; principle of Natural 
Selection, 466, 485-6; difficulties 
connected with Natural Selec 
tion, 467, 468 ; slow action of 
Natural Selection, 399; on an 
alogy between Natural and 
Artificial Selection, 131 ; on 
“Methodical” and on “Uncon 
scious” Selection, 136-8; on 
Artificial Selection, 139, 153; 
in relation to sheep-breeding, 
139; on power of Forelle-pear 
to resist cold, 145 ; on protective 
colouration among dragon-flies, 
173; on influence of environ 
ment, 167, 395-6, 400-1, 431 ; 
on cats, dogs and sheep, 423 ; 
on feral pigs, 429; on proteus, 
Darwin, Charles—(continued). 
543 ; on influence of climate on 
organic structure, 397-8 ; on in 
fluence of environment not pro 
ducing useful results, 412 ; on 
change of environment in rela 
tion to sexual reproduction, 533 ; 
on inutility of some organic 
colouration, 204-5 1 on skin-pig 
ments the cause of nauseous 
taste, 220 ; on instinct, 221, 228, 
278-9, 279 ; on barking instinct in 
dogs, 256; on instincts in ants, 
269-70; on neuter insects, 267-8 ; 
on sterile insects, 271 ; on vege 
table sensitiveness, 286 ; com 
parison of gold-fish and carp, 
296 ; Transmutation of Species : 
nature of conditions subordinate 
to nature of organism, 310 ; in a 
confined area due to Natural 
Selection alone, 430 ; influence of 
changed conditions on, not al 
ways rapid, 425-6, 430 ; on form 
and habits of water-ouzel, 312 ; 
on extinction of species, 316 ; 
of horse, 318 ; on the petrel, 
323-4 ; on co-existence of two 
variants in same district, 326 ; 
on law of compensation of growth 
335-6 ; on law of homology, 337 ; 
on evolution of elk from stag, 
343> 345-6 ; on hybridisation, 
350-2 ; on recent evolution of 
ancon and merino ram, 358-9 ; 
of breeds of dogs, 359 ; on An 
con, Jaguar and Pariah-dog, 359 ; 
on abrupt structural modifica 
tions, 359-64 ; on antlers and 
spike-horns, 362-3 ; on human 
physical heredity, 364 ; on iso 
lation in breeding, 380-1 ; on 
physiological barriers to breed 
ing amongst variants, 382 ; on 
shape of skull in pig, 427-8 ; on 
inherited effects of use and dis 
use, 438, 439-40, 44 b 442 ; on 
disuse as agent in formation of 
rudimentary organs, 511 ; his 
acceptance of Lamarckian prin 
ciples, 472 ; on ‘ nihilper saltum] 
487 ; on rudimentary organs, 494, 
496,497-8; on conformity of type, 
500 ; on degeneration a result of

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