Full text: Nature versus natural selection

Tadpoles : arrested development 
due to environment, 543 ; due to 
limitation of food, 543-4. 
Tannin : use of, by caterpillars, 
403-4 ; in animals, 403-4. 
Taste, Nauseous : its relation to 
conspicuous colouration, 204,206- 
20 ; protective nature of, 215-20. 
Taylor, Dr. J. E. : on vegetable 
“instinct,” 286. 
Teeth : v. Horses. 
Tegetmeier, W. B. : on artificial 
production of monstrosities, 150. 
Teleological Argument; in relation 
to Natural Selection, 520-1—v. 
also Special Creation. 
Temperature : an influence on col 
ouration and markings of butter 
flies, 405. 
Tendons and Bones : variations of 
relations of, an evidence for 
Natural Selection, 560-2. 
Tennyson, Lord : The Northern 
Farmer quoted, 70. 
Terebratula : stability of the spe 
cies, 294. 
Termites : habits of, opposed to 
theory of Natural Selection, 273. 
Theology : in relation to Natural 
Selection, 130; to science, 136. 
Thistle, Scotch : imported into 
Australia, 51. 
Thomisus onustus : direct action of 
environment on, 168. 
Thompson, J. Arthur : on co 
operation amongst bisons, 94 ; 
amongst wild swine, 94 ; on fis 
sion of cells, 576 ; on conjugation 
of stylonichia, 580. 
Thrush : protective colouration of, 
173 ; mimetic action of, 176. 
Tiger-moth : conspicuous coloura 
tion of, not protective, 207. 
Caterpillar of: effects 
of food on its colouration, 406. 
Time : much shorter required by 
Artificial than by Natural Selec 
tion, 152-3. 
Toad : change of instinctive action 
of, 281—v. also Tadpoles. 
Todd, J. E. : on “directive” col 
ouration in animals, 418. 
Torpedo (fish): electric organ of, 
Tortoise, Water : v. Chelydra ser 
Transmutation of Species : by 
means of Natural Selection, 1- 
290, 329-32, 389-448, 430-1, 556- 
83; argument for, 103-18; against, 
118-9; much shorter time re 
quired for, by Artificial than by 
Natural Selection, 152-3 ; rival 
methods of, 293 ; in relation to 
Extinction of Species, 322-3. 
Trimen, R. : on protective elas 
ticity amongst insects, 166-7. 
Turtle : sea-ward instinct in, 264. 
Tylor, Mr. (quoted by Wallace) ; 
on structure a cause of coloura 
tion of animals, 407. 
Umbrella : process of purchase of, 
compared with action of Natural 
Selection (Marshall), 147-8. 
“Unconscious” Selection, 136-8. 
origin of species, 472. 
Use and Disuse: inherited effects 
of, 432, 438-40 ; disuse an agent 
in formation of rudimentary or 
gans, 511 ; in relation to Natural 
Selection, 562-3. 
Van Mons, M. (quoted by Lucas): 
on influence of external condi 
tions on vegetable structure, 398. 
Variation : probability of survival, 
201 ; causes of, 365 5 sometimes 
associated with sexual reproduc 
tion, 349-72 ; Matthew Arnold 
on, 4 ; Belt on, 4 ; Chas. Darwin 
on, 4-5, 10, 13-4, 19, 146; George 
H. Darwin on, 11-2; O. W, 
Holmes on, 3-4 ; Huxley on, 
10,35 > Leconte on, 11 ; Meldola 
on, 35 ; Milne Edwards on, 4 ; 
Mivart on, 11 ; Romanes on, 10, 
11 ; Wallace on, 3, 10, 10-1, 12-3, 
Correlated : 334-48. 
Specific : usefulness of, 418. 
— Unuseful : produced by 
changed conditions, 410-1, 423. 
Varigny, Henry de : on sensi 
tiveness of pond-snail, 539 ; on 
arrested development of toads, 

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