Full text: Nature versus natural selection

Weismann, Dr. A.—(continued). 
271 ; on panmixia, 305-8 ; doc 
trine of continuity of germ-plasm, 
367-8, 369-72 ; on isolation, 377 ; 
on acquired characters, 435-6, 
438, 439 ; on Natural Selection, 
446-7, 454, 483-5 ; on disappear 
ance of rudimentary organs due 
to Natural Selection, 514, 515 ; 
due to panmixia, 516; on axo 
lotl a retrogressive form of 
amblystoma, 547-8, 549. 
Westwood, Prof. J. O. : on 
mimetic structure and coloura 
tion of butterflies, 195. 
Whale : evolution of paddle of, 506. 
Williams, W. Mattieu : on 
transmutation of axolotl into 
amblystoma, 549. 
Wilson, Dr. Andrew : on trans 
mutation of axolotl into ambly 
stoma, 546-7, 548-9. 
Winter White : as a result of 
Natural Selection, 186-93. 
Wiseman, Mr. (quoted by Lucas): 
on influence of external conditions 
on negroes in America, 398. 
Wolves : parental devotion in, 
Wood, J. C. : on co-operation 
amongst weasels, 95. 
Wood, J. W. : researches of, on 
influence of environment on 
colour of caterpillars of cabbage- 
butterfly, 407-8. 
Wood, Theodore : on potential 
rate of increase of aphis, 46. 
Wordsworth, William : The 
Excursion quoted, 59, 230. 
Yung, Emile : researches of, on 
sex-ratio amongst frogs, 108.

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