I T may be well at the outset clearly to define the posi
tion taken in the following work. The author believes
that the process of Organic Evolution has taken place,
but he does not believe that Natural Selection has been
the means by which that result has been brought about.
If any reader is of opinion that Organic Evolution and
Natural Selection are synonymous terms, he is recom
mended at the outset to turn to the first chapter of the
Third Book, in which it is attempted to show that Natural
Selection is not identical with Organic Evolution.
In the second place, the reader is warned against the
idea that any selection in nature can properly be called
Natural Selection. Natural Selection is a very complex
term. It is based on the analogy supposed to exist
between the process of artificial selection and a process
which is supposed to take place in nature. In Natural
Selection the struggle for existence is supposed to be
the selecting power, and it works by life and death ;
it secures the survival of the fittest, and hence it is
based upon the principle of utility. It selects from those
variations which are necessarily associated with sexual
reproduction. It asks only for small variations, and it
undertakes that the slight favourable variations shall
survive. In this way it now produces the transmutation
of species, and in a far-off past it was the only or