Full text: National reports (Part 2)

Photogrammetry. Basic principles and general survey. — New York 1960. 
Arvid E. Odencrantz. Nekrolog. — Svensk Lantmäteritidskrift 1960:5—6. 
H aller t, B., Ottoson, L. and Ternryd, C.-O.: Fundamental questions in relation 
to controlled experiments. — Int. Archives of Photogrammetry, Vol. 
Hoppe, G.: Glacial morphology and inland ice recession in Northern Sweden. — 
Geografiska Annaler 4 : 4. 
Lindblom, G.: On the anatomy and function of the temporomandibular joint. — 
Avhandl. Acta Odontologica Scandinavica, Vol. 17, Suppl. 28. 
Lindskog, L.: Flygbildsarkiv inom lantmäteriet. (Archives of aerial photographs 
within the National Land Survey Organisation.) — Svensk Lantmäteritid 
skrift 1960:4. 
Lundgren, B.: Current development of The Geographical Survey Office. — 
Svensk Lantmäteritidskrift 1960:3. 
Möller, S. G.: Undersökning av noggrannheten vid höjdmätning med stereomikro- 
meter. (The Accuracy of height determination with parallax bar.) — 
Svensk Lantmäteritidskrift 1960 : 3. 
Bildtolkning. (Photointerpretation.) — Teknisk Tidskrift, maj 1960. 
Möller, S. G., Axelson and Jensen: National report to The International Society 
for Photogrammetry. Comm. VII. Int. Archives of Photogram., Vol. XIII. 
Möller, S. G.: General report of sub.-commission IV: 1. — Int. Archives of 
Photogram., Vol. XIII. 
Nämnden för skoglig fotogrammetri: Ärsberättelse för är 1959 over verksamhe- 
ten inom nämnden. (The Comittee of Forest Photogrammetry-year report.) 
Rehnlund, E.: Photogrammetry and geodetic surveying in planning of hydro 
electric power stations. — Svensk Lantmäteritidskrift 1960:3. 
Schytt, V.: The glaciers of the Kebnekajse-massif. — Geografiska Annaler, 41 : 4. 
Glacier inventory from air photographs. — Int. Archives of Photogram., 
Vol. XIII. 
Sigmark, E. and Wictorin, L.: Photogrammetric analysis of extra-oral »identi 
cal» roentgenogramms. — Svensk Lantmäteritidskrift 1960:3. 
Ternryd, C.-O.: Photogrammetry and electronic computation in highway plan 
ning. — Svensk Lantmäteritidskrift 1960:3. 
Die Photogrammetrie, ein modernes Hilfsmittel bei der Strassenplanung. 
— Strasse und Autoban, 1960:5. 
Tham, P.: Vertical parallaxes, lens distortion and stereoscopical model. — 
Svensk Lantmäteritidskrift 1960 : 3. 
Thoren, R.: Photographic interpretation of ice. — Archives of Photogram., Vol. 
Frost problems and photo interpretation of patterned Ground. — Photo 
gram. Eng. 1959: 5. 
Thoren, S.: Data processing methods in correcting stereoautographs. — Svensk 
Lantmäteritidskrift 1960: 3. 
Thor sell, C.-U.: A few hints on photogrammetric surveying in strips and blocks. 
— Svensk lantmäteritidskrift 1960 : 3, 

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