Full text: National reports (Part 2)

From poor heath to flourishing seaside. A comparative air photo study of 
some land use changes on the Skanor peninsula, Sweden. — Arch. Intern. 
Photogr. 14. 
Rikets allmanna kartverk: RAK-information nr B 3. 
RAK-information nr B 4. 
Sandborg, B.: Provytetaxering i flygbilder med jamforande faltkontroll. (Forest 
estimation in aerial photographs.) — Namnden for skoglig fotogrammetri. 
Inform, nr 21, 38 s. 
Svensson, H.: Glacier movement as revealed by aerial photographs. — Photo- 
grammetria 18. 
Information om subakvatisk morfologi enligt flygbilder. (Photo interpre 
tation of subaquatic morphology.) — Svensk Lantmaetritidskrift. 
Nagra iakttagelser fran palsomraden. — Norsk Geogr. Tidskrift 18. 
Ett dolinomrade pa Alvaret. — Svensk Geogr. arsbok 39. 
Strandvallssystem pa Stora Alvaret. — Ibid. 39. 
Iskilspolygoner pa Laholmsslatten. — Ibid. 39. 
Some observations in West-Jutland of a polygonal pattern in the grouno. 
— Geogr. Tidskr. 62. 
Torlegard, K.: Verksamheten vid institutionen for fotogrammetri. (The Division 
of Photogrammetry of the R. Inst, of Techn. — year report.) — Svensk 
Lantmateritidskrift nr 3, 4 s. 
Ostram, G.: Ice-cored moraines in the Kebnekajse area. — Biuletyn Peryglac- 
jalny, 11, 1962. 
Litt om breene i Storsteinsfjellomradet. — Norsk Geogr. Tidskrift, band 
18, 1961—1962.

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