Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

The mount can accept both uide and superuide angle cameras. In 
addition, the Uild HC1 Horizon Camera (Fig.4) can be attached to 
the mount by means of a mounting bracket uhich is bolted to the 
mount. The Horizon Camera, being rigidly fixed to the mount uith 
its principal optical axis parallel to that of the survey camera, 
will' then describe the same movements in omega and phi as the sur 
vey camera itself. The drift settings of the RC8 or RC9 and the 
Horizon Camera are both controlled by the same motor. 
The Horizon Camera is designed for taking four photographs of the 
horizon in four cardinal directions, usually perpendicular to the 
picture sides. Exposure is synchronised uith that of the survey 
camera. From the horizon photographs, the phi and omega inclinations 
of the negative plane at its instant of exposure can be determined, 
given reasonable atmospheric conditions at the time of flying. Infra 
red film is normally used for the horizon photography. 
Another instrument for obtaining additional information on the photo 
flight can be added: the Wild R5T2 Statoscope (Fig.5), uith uhich the 
differences in flying height at the instant of each exposure can be 
determined. A registering instrument is built into the instrument 
Fig. 5 
Control panel of the Wild RST2 
Fig.4 Wild HC1 Horizon Camera Recording Statoscope

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