Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

La Nature, LI (Jan 1, 1898), p 65 
Same as Reference 14, p 167 
Batut, A., La Photographie Aerienne, par cerf-volant, 
Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1890 
Same as Reference 14, p 168 
Ibid., p 169 
Same as Reference 12, pp 2177-2179 
Same as Reference 14, p 173 
Katz, Amrom H., Observation Satellites, Space Handbook: 
Astronautics & Its Applications, GPO, Wash., D.C., 1959, 
p 172 
Ley, Willy, Rockets Missiles & Space Travel, Rev Ed 1956, 
The Viking Press 
Gunther, Hanns, Krieg und Kamera, Kosmos, Vol. II, 1914 
pp 525-527; Figs 6-10 
The Bible (King James Version), Genesis 9: 10,11 
Same as Reference 13 
Quackenbush, Robert S., Jr., Manual of Photographic Inter 
pretation, Banta, Menasha, Wisconsin, p 4 
Airplane Military Scouting, Scientific American, 99:450 
19 Dec 1908 
Same as Reference 17 
McFarland, Marvin W., Papers of Wilbur & Orville Wright, 
2V, N.Y., McGraw-Hill, 1953, 2:949-951, Plates 176-180 
Quick, J.R., Despite the Night, (£) 1964, J.R.Quick 
Dayton, Ohio p xi 
Tobey, Fred S., The Art of Skymapping, Esquire, March 1939 
Photographic Scouting at Night, Scientific American, 
105:404, 4 Nov 1911 
Katz, Amrom H., A Tribute to George Goddard, Rand Document 
No. P-2700, Feb 1963, p 11

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