Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

Photo : Mapping Consultants Ltd. 
Fig. 2. Lower Grassfield at Nimba H.Q. Camp. The semicircular contour 
indicates the remnants of an old ring-shaped town wall. The scale of the guiding 
sketch is 1 : 12,000. 
It may be emphasized that the interpretation study of the photo 
graphs of 1957 did not verify the existence of the old Gbapa Town. 
4. Discovery of Old Towns in Liberia 
The intensive stereoscopical study of the aerial photographs during 
the Lamco construction period have resulted in a contribution to the 
archaeology of this part of the country. 
It is a fact that ancient monuments and relics of the past have very 
much to tell us about the material well-being and intellectual culture 
of a country. Advanced cultures of ancient times have vanished, wars 
have laid the country waste and destitution has followed in their traces. 
The monuments and relics, however, do not vanish so fast, but the 
ravages of time will hide them gradually. At last, the human eye 
cannot discover their existence any longer. One reason for that is the 
fact that the survey view of a terrain will be lost to an eye looking from 
the ground. The logical bond, uniting different features on the ground, 
cannot simply be grasped. 
By the aerial photography the archaeologist has got an important 
means of assistance. The photograph is synonymous with the survey 
view that is lost from the ground. — »The aerial photo sees all and 

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