Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

14. Oswal, H. L., “Flexure of Photographic Plates under their Own Weight and some Modes 
of Support and Consequent Photogrammetric Errors”, Photogrammetric Record, Vol. II, 
No. 8, October 1956. 
15. Calhoun, J. M., Keller, L. E., and Newell, R. F., Jr., “A Method of Studying Possible Local 
Distortions in Aerial Films”, Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol. XXVI, No. 4, September 
16. Adelstein, P. Z., and Leister, D. A., “Non-uniform Dimensional Changes in Topographic 
Aerial Films”, Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, January 1963. 
17. Calhoun, J. M., Adelstein, P. Z., and Parkes, J. T., “Physical Properties of Estar Polyester 
Base Aerial Films for Topographic Mapping”, Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol. XXVII, 
No. 3, June 1961. 
18. Ekelund, L., “Some Investigations into Distortion of Air Cameras”, International Archives of 
Photogrammetry, Vol. XII, No. 4, 1956. 
19. Angus-Leppan, P. V., “Atmospheric Refraction and Temperature Gradient”, Canadian Surveyor, 
Vol. XVI, No. 1, January 1962. 
20. Barrow, C. H., “Very Accurate Correction of Aerial Photographs for the Effects of Atmospheric 
Refraction and Earth’s Curvature”, Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol. XXVI, No. 5, 
December 1960. 
21. Nielson J. N., and Goodwin, F. K., “Environmental Effects of Supersonic and Hypersonic 
Speeds on Aerial Photography ”, Photogrammetric Engineering, Vol. XXVII, No. 3, June 1961. 
22. Hallert, B., “Results of Practical Investigations into the Accuracy of Aerial and Terrestrial 
Photographs”, Svensk Lantmdteritidskrift, No. 3, 1960. Communication to the IXth Inter 
national Congress of Photogrammetry, 1960, Comm. I. 
L'auteur passe en revue les sources des erreurs de position des images 
dans la photographie aérienne, se concentrant particulièrement sur les résultats 
obtenus depuis le 9 e Congrès International de I960. Il propose un programme 
de travaux à suivre. 

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