Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

terrain relief the average precision of the 
reading is 3 meters. 
Statoscope auxiliary data is used for aerial 
For the restitution, the original negatives 
are used. Control points and enlargements 
are made from the negatives. 
Contact prints are generally used for infra 
red coverage. 
Starting with the original negatives, posi 
tives at the same scale or enlargements are 
made of the color photographs. 
government. National Main Administration 
for Surveying and Cartography; 10 years. 
Centers for terrestrial photogrammetry at 
the regional mining enterprises; for routine 
information on placer mining output in soft 
coal placer mines; 5 years. 
National Research Institute; “Geodetic 
Service” for the entire held of Cartography 
and Surveying; 10 years. 
VEB Carl Zeiss JENA, manufacturer of 
optical-precise mechanical and electronic 
equipment; 62 years. 
Dresden Technical University; 30 years. 
Freiberg Mining Academy, Freiberg in 
Saxony; 10 years. 
Engineering School for Geodesy and Car 
tography in Dresden; 10 years. 
In the GDR, the following types of instru 
ments are used for compilation: Multiplex 
Stereomapping Instrument; Stereoplani- 
graph; Stereometrograph; Stereoautograph. 
Nearly without exception, diapositives are 
used in all compilations; in the production 
centers, the compilation instruments are used 
in two shifts as a rule. Fairly important is the 
computation of volume in engineering sur 
veys. This is done directly in many cases by 
using the read or automatically recorded ma 
chine coordinates. 
Special Use of Equipment 
The only instrument, belonging in this 
category and used in the GDR, is the Co- 
ordimeter automatic computing and record 
ing equipment. By using it, it is not only 
possible to record the pure machine coordi 
nates but also to transform simultaneously 
the x, y and z coordinates into the national 
coordinate system. The Coordimeter is also 
used for automatic area computation and 
carrying out a semi-automatic numerical 
method for the relative and absolute orienta 
tions of stereo models. 
Analytical photogrammetry essentially is 
still in the experimental stage. For this work, 
the GDR uses the stereocomparator and the 
Komess 3030 monocomparator (measurement 
accuracy .001 mm.) of the VEB Carl Zeiss 
JENA. The VEB Carl Zeiss JENA is starting 
now on the production of a special aerial 
photographic stereocomparator “Stecometer” 
with attached electronic recorder. 
From time to time, a special variant of the 
Multiplex stereocompilation instrument, with 
an angular held of 122°, is used for the com 
pilation of ultra wide angle photography. 
Aerial Data Recording 
In the GDR, photogrammetric cameras of 
the type AFA from the Soviet Union are used 
and the instruments of the VEB Carl Zeiss 
JENA. MRB 210 mm., f.l., Pinator (1:4), 
18X18 cm., 1,000-5,000 m. MRB 115 mm., 
Lomegon (1:4), 18X18 cm, 1,000-5,000 m. 
Infrared photographs are used exclusively 
for interpretation. Color photographs have 
been made only for experimental purposes. 
In the photographs, taken with the VEB 
Carl Zeiss JENA Photogrammetric Cameras, 
accurately calibrated glass scales are shown 
along the sides of the picture. This makes 
possible taking into consideration changes in 
the dimensions of the base of the emulsion in 
a similar manner as this is done with the 
“reseau grid.” 
In general, contact diapositives are used. 
The exception is the use of reduced diaposi 
tives in the Multiplex stereomapping instru 
New Instruments and Techniques 
Since 1960, the following new instruments 
have been built in the GDR: Wide angle pho 
togrammetric camera MRB 11.5/1818; Aerial 
photo exposure meter “Aerolux”; Aerial 
photo stereocomparator “Stecometer.” In 

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