Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

FH, Hamburg: Rectification and photo- 
interpretation; compilation and revision of 
1:5,000 topographic maps; 38 years. 
LRP, Koblenz: Compilation and revision 
of 1:1,000 to 1:5,000 topographic and 
1:25,000 planimetric maps; 3 years. 
CARL ZEISS, Oberkochen: Development 
and manufacture of photogrammetric, sur 
veying and plotting instruments; 62 years. 
K. H. Schmidt: Manufacturing for optical 
and electrical instruments. 
AE, Frankfurt: Aerial surveys, ground 
surveys, resources; 10 years; variable scales; 
profile measurements. 
DL, Hamburg: Aerial camera manufac 
turer; optical works; 9 years. 
HL, Munster: Aerial photography, stereo 
mapping, mosaic work; 40 years; scales 1:500 
to 1:20,000; cadastral and profile work. 
P GmbH, München: Aerial photography, 
compiling and rectification; 45 years; scales 
1:500 to 1:5,000; controlled mosaics; terres 
trial photogrammetry. 
GIRWTH, Aachen: Teaching and scien 
tific works in photogrammetry; 10 years; 
variable scales. 
TU Berlin: Special photogrammetric appli 
cation work and research; 27 years; variable 
scales; no aerial triangulation is done. 
IPU Bonn: Research, tests and studies in 
photogrammetry; training of students; 38 
years; stereo eye acuity tests; vision tests; 
theoretical studies of orientation and parallax. 
IPITH Hannover: Training of students; 
photogrammetric research and compilation of 
maps; 14 years; scales 1:1,000 to 1:5,000. 
IPTTH Karlsruhe: Teaching, practical in 
vestigations, research work; 4 years; variable 
scales; coordinate measurements for cadastral 
operations and land consolidation; engineer 
ing and architectural applications. 
IPTKTH München: Research of photo 
grammetric methods, topography, cartogra 
phy, glaciology, terrestrial photogrammetry; 
77 years, variable scales. 
TH Stuttgart: Testing work; 10 years. 
I AG, 17; MA 18; NL, Hannover, 13; HL, 
Wiesbaden, 11; LS, Saarbrücken, 7; LNW, 
Bad Godesberg, 17; FH, Hamburg, 4; LRP, 
Koblenz, 5; Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, 30,000 
total employees; K. H. Schmidt, not known; 
AE, Frankfurt, 50; DL, Hamburg, 10; HL, 
Munster, 132; P GmbH, München, 34; 
GIRWTH, 4; TU, Berlin, 5; IPU, Bonn, 7; 
I PTH, Hannover, 8; I PTH, Karlsruhe, 7; 
TH, Stuttgart, 2. 
Plotting and Triangulation 
Equipment Utilized 
I AG: 3 Zeiss Stereoplanigraph C8, 1 Wild A8, 
1 Gigas-zeiss Orthoprojector (Orthophoto 
scope), 1 Wild Aviograph B8, 1 Zeiss 
MA: 1 Zeiss C8, 1 Stereotope, 1 LUZ, 1 
Radial Secator RSL, 2 Zeiss SEG V. 
NL, Hannover: 1 Zeiss C5, 1 Zeiss C8, 1 
HL, Wiesbaden: 1 Wild A8, 1 Zeiss C8, 1 
Zeiss Stereotope, 1 Ecomat, 1 Scanning 
Stereoscope, 1 Zeiss SEG V. 
LS, Saarbrücken: no data was furnished. 
LNW, Bad Godesberg: 1 Zeiss C8, 1 Wild 
A7, 2 Wild A8, 1 Zeiss Stereotope, 1 EK 5a 
for the A7, Coordinate Printer for the C8. 
FH, Hamburg: 1 SEG V, 1 Sketchmaster 
(LUZ), 1 enlarger, 1 parallax bar. 
LRP, Koblenz: 1 Zeiss C8, 1 Wild A8, 1 
Zeiss Stereotcpe, 1 Zeiss SEG V. 
AE, Frankfurt: 1 Wild A7, 1 Wild A8, 1 
Zeiss Stereotope, Coordinate Recorder for 
A7, 1 LogEtronic Printer. 
HL, Munster: 1 Wild A7, 3 Wild A8, 3 Zeiss 
C8, 3 Coordinate Printers for C8, 5 SEG 
V, 1 EK3 for A7. 
P GmbH, München: 2 Zeiss C8, 1 Stereo 
tope, Coordinate Printer. 
GIRWTH, Aachen: 1 Zeiss C8, 1 Wild A8, 1 
Jena Stereoautograph 1218, 1 Jena Stereo 
comparator 1818, 1 Ecomat for C8. 
TU, Berlin: Zeiss C8, SEG V, Multiplex, 
Stereotope, Stereo Pantometer, Radial 
Secator, Elimgraph, Elimtop, C8 Co 
ordinate Printer. 
IPU, Bonn: 2 Zeiss-Pulfrich Stereocompara 
tor, Stereo Pantometer (Jena), Zeiss 
Stereotope, 4 normal angle Multiplex, 3 
wide angle Multiplex, 1 Zeiss C8. 
IPITH, Hannover: 1 Zeiss Stereocomparator 
(PSK), 1 Zeiss C8, 1 Wild A8, 1 Wild B8, 
1 Galileo Santoni SMG 4, 1 Stereotope, 
Orion I I/S, 1 Stereo Pantometer, 1 SEG 
V, 1 Stereoautograph, 2 Pulfrich Stereo 
comparators, 1 Multiplex, 1 Zeiss small 
Autograph, 1 Coordinate printer for C8, 1 
Automatic Readout IBM 024, 1 Electronic 
Data Reduction LPG-30. 
IPTTH, Karlsruhe: 1 Zeiss C8, 1 Wild A8, 1 
Nistri Photomapper, 1 Stereotope, 1 SEG 
V, Ecomat, Multiplex, Zeiss Klein-Auto- 
graph, H-W Radialline Plotter, IBM 024, 
Zeiss PSK Stereocomparator, Zeiss 18X18 
IPTKTH, München: 1 Zeiss Orel Stereo 
autograph, 1 Zeiss C8, 1 Stereotope, 3 Wild 
B8, Coordinate Recorder. 

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