Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

TH, Stuttgart: 1 Zeiss C8, 1 Stereotope, 1 
18X18 Stereocomparator, SEG V. 
Aerial Recording Data 
I AG: Zeiss Convergent Camera 2XRMK 
21/18; Zeiss RMK 21/18, Topar; Zeiss 
RMK 15/23, Pleogon; Wild Normal, Wide, 
and Superwide Angle. 
MA: Zeiss RMK, 15/23, Pleogon; Zeiss RMK 
30/23, Topar; LogEtronic Printer; Pakorol 
Automatic Developing Machine (film and 
NL, Hannover: Zeiss RMK 21/18, Topar; 
Zeiss RMK 15/32, Pleogon; Wild RC5a, 21 
cm, 18X18; Wild RC8, 15 cm., 23X23. 
HL, Wiesbaden: Wild RC5, 21 cm., 18X18; 
Wild RC5, 15.3 cm., 23X23; Zeiss RMK 
15.3 cm., 23X23. 
LS, Saarbrücken: Wild Aviogon, 15/23 
photography done by commercial firms. 
LNW, Bad Godesberg: Photography done by 
commercial firms with Zeiss RMK 21/18 2 , 
Zeiss Convergent 21/18 and RMK 15/23, 
Wild RC5a 21/18, Wild RC5a 15/23, Wild 
RC8 15/23. 
FH, Hamburg: 18X18 and 23X23. 
LRP, Koblenz: Wild 15/23 Aviogon, Zeiss 
21/18 Topar, Zeiss 15/23 Pleogon, Wild 
21/18 Avioton. 
CARL ZEISS, Oberkochen: RMKA, 15/23, 
21/23, 30/23, 60/23; KMKAR, 15/23 
Reseau Camera; Photographic Stereo Cam 
era SMK; Photo Theodolite, TMK. 
AE, Frankfurt: Wild 153/23 Aviogon, Wild 
210/18 Aviotar, Wild 88/23 Superwide 
DL, Hamburg: Linhof Aerotecknica Cam 
eras; 13.5 cm., 4X5 Planar; 18 cm. Sym- 
mar; 25 cm. Sonnar. 
HL, Munster: Wild RC8 21/18 Aviotar, 
Wild RC8 15/23 Aviogon, Zeiss RMK 
21/18 Topar, Zeiss RMK 15/23 Pleogon. 
P GmbH, München: Zeiss RMK, 15/23 
Pleogon; Zeiss Rb, 20/30 Topogon; Zeiss 
RMK, 21/18 Topar; Eagle IX, 30/23 
Ross; Zeiss Rb, 75/30; F52, 50 cm., 18X21. 
I PITH, Hannover: cameras furnished by 
private contractors—Wild RC5a 21/18, 
RC5a 15/23, Zeiss RMK 21/18, Zeiss 
RMK 15/23. 
IPTTH, Karlsruhe: TAF, 16 cm., 13/18 cm. 
(glass plate for terrestrial uses); miscella 
neous cameras. 
IAG: Some color photography is used in 
tests. The Zeiss Statoscope S2 is used. 
MA: Infrared is used for interpretation. 
AE, Frankfurt: Possible infrared use in 
tropics since advent of Zeiss RMKA camera. 
Color photography scarcely used—mostly 
for cities. 
DL, Hamburg: Black and white and color 
photography capability. 
HL, Munster: Infrared used in tropical rain 
forest. Color photography for tests and 
P GmbH, München: Infrared is used for 
forestry work. Color is used for photointer 
New Instruments and Techniques 
CARL ZEISS, Oberkochen: Remote con 
trol for aerial cameras. Navigation telescope 
for precise navigation of photo flights. Aero- 
stereo-microscope for interpretation purposes. 
Rectifier SEG Vb, transportable instrument 
for use in vars. Profile measuring device for 
engineering projects. Printing head for Co- 
ordimat, and Stereoplanigraph C8 (symbols 
and figures). Precision Stereocomparator 
PSK. Precision Monocomparator PEK. Or 
thophotoscope Gigas-Zeiss. Supragraph, high- 
precision stereo plotter. Coordimat, for fully 
automatic plotting of points. Diapositive de 
vice for Stereotope. Spotting projector for 
drawing tables. Marking device, snap marker 
for identification of natural points and mark 
ing of artificial points. Photographic stereo 
camera SMK. Photo Theodolite TMK. Ter- 
ragraph, plotter for photographs taken with 
SMK and TMK. 
K. H. Schmidt: Rectifier Type Orion I I/S 
(partially automatic). 
GIRWTH, Aachen: Block triangulation— 
see “Numerical Method” (Bulletin 1962/ 
Nr. 4). 
IPTTH, Karlsruhe: Affine restitution ap 
plication of superwide angle photography. 
governmental: Topografische Dienst, Delft; 
Fotogrammetrische Dienst van het Kadas- 
ter; Meetkundige Dienst van de Rijks- 
industry—Aerial photography: KLM Aero- 
carto, Amsterdam Airport. 
institutes: I.T.C. Delft. 
All phases of aerial photography, land sur

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