Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

Survey; U. S. Navy—Naval Oceanographic 
Office; U. S. Army—Corps of Engineers— 
Army Map Service. 
governmental (State) Questionnaires Mailed 
—52, Responded—23 
Arizona, Connecticut, Illinois, Iowa, Kan 
sas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, 
Missouri, New Jersey, Minnesota, New Mex 
ico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Okla 
homa, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Washington, 
Wyoming, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico. 
industry (Practicing Firms—Research and De 
velopment—Manufacturing) Questionnaires 
Mailed—108, Responded—23 
Clyde E. Williams & Associates; Walter 
and Whiteford, Inc.; Stereofoto, Inc.; The 
National Survey; K. B. MacKichan and As 
sociates; Lockwood, Kessler & Bartlett, Inc.; 
International Aerial Mapping Company; 
Mark Hurd Aerial Surveys, Inc.; Hunting 
Survey Corporation; Clair A. Hill and As 
sociates; Chicago Aerial Survey; Alster & As 
sociates, Inc.; Fairchild Aerial Surveys; Air 
Photographies, Inc.; H. G. Chickering, Jr.; 
National Geographic Society; R.C.A. Service 
Company-Missile Test Project; Paul Rosen 
berg Associates; Perkin-Elmer; Keuffel & 
Esser Company—-Photogrammetric Systems 
Division; Telecomputing Corporation—Data 
Instrument Division; Eastman Kodak Com 
pany; David W. Mann Company; Galileo 
Corporation of America. 
universities Questionnaires Mailed—99, Re 
Stanford Univ.; Southern Tech; South Da 
kota School of Mines and Technology; Penn 
sylvania State LIniv.; Ohio State Univ.—De 
partment of Civil Engineering—Department 
of Geodetic Science; Univ. of North Dakota; 
Univ. of Minnesota; Louisiana Polytechnic 
Institute; Univ. of Kentucky; Univ. of Illi 
nois; Univ. of Georgia; Georgia Institute of 
Technology; Colorado School of Mines; 
Brigham Young Univ.; Auburn Univ.; Univ. 
of Alaska; Oregon State Univ.; Univ. of 
Washington; U. S. Air Force Academy; Univ. 
of New Brunswick, Canada; Univ. of Sas- 
ketchewan, Canada; One Unidentified. 
governmental (Federal) 
Process television and infrared radiation 
return data from meteorological satellites. 
Aerial and stellar photography for hydro- 
graphic and topographic data using stereo tri 
angulation and compilation. Conducts re 
search, development and evaluation in pho 
tographic, photogrammetry and cartographic 
Provide photogrammetric techniques and 
production of nautical and aeronautical 
charting and hydrographic surveys. Studies 
and application in ocean currents, satellite 
geodesy, crustal movements. Support of de 
velopment and applications of numerical pho 
Preparation and maintenance of National 
Topographic Map Series; Research and De 
velopment of instruments and techniques for 
mapping activity. 
Produce and supply maps, geodetic and al 
lied data for the U. S. Department of De 
Provide U. S. Air Force with aeronautical 
charts, graphical air target materials, flight 
information, terrain models, maps and related 
cartographic services. 
Surveying and mapping activities for for 
estry resources including engineering surveys 
for road construction by photogrammetric 
Large scale maps by photogrammetry for 
small watershed studies. 
Develop procedures and specifications for 
governmental sponsored highway engineer 
ing projects. Produce topographic maps for 
special purpose design. Training in photo 
grammetry for highway engineering. 
By photogrammetric techniques and pro 
cedures provide large-scale topographic and 
planimetric maps and mosaics for design and 
construction of highways. Aerial photog 
raphy for public relations and presentation of 
detail for plan section of plan and profile 
sheets. Digital read-out and automatic plot 
ting of cross section data. Payment of con 
tractors for earth movement from volumes 
determined from photogrammetric measure 
Aerial photography, precise ground and 
airborn systems for geodetic and supple 
mentary control data, compilation of large 
and small scale planimetric, topographic and 
resources maps by conventional and ad 
vanced photogrammetric and photo interpre 
tation equipment and procedures for all en 
compassed map users. Consultation, re 
search, development and production of con 
ventional and advanced data recording and 
data reductions equipment and systems. Ap 
plication of photogrammetry and photo in

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