Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

State governmental agencies reported in 
creased use of automatic plotters (digital to 
analog) in presenting photogrammetric de 
rived measurements of cross section to plotted 
Aerial Data Recording 
All four categories of organizations report 
ing stated that cartographic aerial cameras 
were used to secure black and white nega 
tives for photogrammetric compilation. Gov 
ernmental (Federal) own and use practically 
every type manufactured. The 6-inch focal 
length, 9X9 in. format, is the most predomi 
nately used, with increased use being made of 
the “super-wide” angle. Photographic alti 
tudes range from 1,000 feet to 38,000 feet 
above datum with the majority of photog 
raphy being secured at the higher altitudes 
for small scale compilation. Governmental 
(State) only report use of 6 in. focal length, 
9X9 in. format, cartographic cameras used at 
photographic altitudes ranging from 600 to 
18,000 feet above datum for compilation; pre 
dominately lower altitudes are used to pro 
duce large scale surveys for engineering pur 
poses. Industry consistently reported use of 
6-, 8^- and 12-in. focal length, 9X9 in. format, 
cartographic cameras for a wide range of com 
pilation scales, flying at altitudes from 300 to 
38,000 feet above datum. Universities re 
ported limited operational use of aerial cam 
Infra-red. Ice studies; High and low water 
line surveys; Aerial haze penetration in bad 
photographic weather areas; Currently used 
to a limited degree, but increasing gradually, 
to delineate water features for map compila 
tion; Forestry studies including special and 
age classification; Photographic interpreta 
tion and mapping of soils and ground condi 
tions; Future production use intended, when, 
and if, state-of-art advances to point of meet 
ing requirements; Research for compilation 
use; Study for drain tile location in highway 
planning; Agriculture mapping; Film-filter- 
scale studies for soft foundation and landslide 
Color. Determination of water depth and 
ice characteristics; Aerial time lapse to deter 
mine height and location of clouds; Shoreline 
surveys in charting aids to navigation, rocks, 
channels, depths and depth curves; Precise 
positioning and height measurements of ob 
structions to air navigation; Tidal current 
surveys; Research project planning for appli 
cation to topographic mapping; Resource 
studies; Photographic interpretation and 
mapping; Future production use intended, 
when, and if, state-of-art advances to point 
of meeting requirements; Illustration and 
display; Construction materials surveys; For 
estry surveys for fire damage and insect in 
festation; Geology; Missile positioning and 
Radar. Small scale compilation when state- 
of-art is improved; Future production use in 
tended, when, and if, state-of-art advances to 
point of meeting requirements; Experiments 
conducted for mapping purposes 
Other. TI ROS Satellite TV photography for 
ice surveillance; Underwater photography for 
ocean bottom characteristics; Stellar pho 
tography for geodesy; TIROS satellite TV 
photography for weather studies and predic 
tions; Infrared imagery for photographic in 
terpretation; Future production use intended, 
when, and if, state-of-art advances to point 
of meeting requirements; Electromagnetic 
sensors for geophysical surveys. 
New Instruments Perfected 
and in Use Since 1960 
A deep-sea stereo camera system was per 
fected for oceanographic research studies. 
Electronic timing and shatter drive mech 
anism modification for adapting Ballistic 
cameras for satellite geodesy. 
TIROS electronic photo recording system for 
many operations required in weather predic 
AP/2, an universal analytical stereo plotter 
instrument for military mapping operations. 
It consists of a stereo comparator viewing 
unit, a digital computer and a coordinating 
unit which make up into a closed loop sys 
tem. The system utilizes the principle of digi 
tal-analytical photogrammetry. In this way 
all known sources of systematic errors can be 
AP/C, an analytical stereoplotter instru 
ment designed as a commercial version of the 
the AP/2. Design simplicity has reduced the 
production cost. In most respects the AP/C 
and AP/2 are similar. Both systems afford the 
use of a general purpose computer when not 
being used for compilation. 
Universal Table Frame to accommodate the 
various projection-type instruments. 
Ferranti Grid Bar System for measuring X 
and Y coordinates of stereoscopic models 
under projection type plotters to record pro 
file, cross sectioning and plane coordinates. 
ECARS (Electronic Coordinatograph and 
Recording System). Analog to digital record

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