Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

ing of X, V and Z coordinates by use of ana 
log positioning in closed-loop circuitry. Re 
cordings are made from any graphic or stereo 
presented material in true coordinate values 
with a continuous scale ability. Supple 
mentary data is coded to present it and the 
positions in digital form to a computer. 
Kelsh-Dl. Analog to digital recording of X, 
Y and Z coordinates by use of shaft en 
coders for positioning. Recordings made from 
graphic or stereo presented material in ma 
chine coordinates at discreet scale factors. 
Supplementary data is coded to present it and 
the positions in digital form to a computer. 
Kelsh K-5 Plotter. Anaglyph projection of 
from one to four models of "distortion” free 
photography. Universal fame. 
AMS M-2 Stereoplotter. High precision, 
first-order, vertical, and accurate anaglyph- 
projection plotter, presenting one to three 
modes of "distortion” free photography. 
K&E Terrain Digitizer. Electromechanical 
measuring device for use with projection type 
stereoplotters, or existing topographic maps, 
in the automatic recording of cross section 
data and other volume computation applica 
Wild B8 Aviograph. Optical viewing stereo 
scopic plotter for use with either black and 
white, or color photography, exposed from 
wide-angle or super-wide-angle camera lenses. 
Terrain Data Translater. An all-digital, 
solid-state circuit, X or Y and Z measuring 
and digitizing unit for recording cross sec 
tional data and other measuring require 
EAI Photographic Rectification System. 
Analog to analog general purpose device used 
in rectifying oblique and panoramic photo 
graphs recording from an input coordinato- 
graph for permanent restituted display on an 
X-Y plotter. 
Exaggerated Profile Plotter. Draws contin 
uous terrain profile from a projected stereo 
scopic model at 2^ and 5 times vertical scale 
Ballistic Camera Plate Previewer Compara 
tor. Measures coordinates. 
The President and Officers of Commission II are indebted to the Reporters and/or National 
Society Officers of those countries which responded to the questionnaires. In many cases 
composite summaries were prepared before final submission. Commission II Reporters who 
assisted in this work are Dr. J. Bernhard, Austria; M. P. Vermeir, Belgium; L. K. Kivekas, 
Finland; P. Damaye, France; H. Scholler, German Democratic Republic; Dr. K. Schwidefsky, 
West Germany; Lt. Col. M. M. Datta, India; H. L. VanGhent, Holland; Dr. W. K. Bach- 
mann, Switzerland; Prof. G. B. Lauf, Union of South Africa; and Mr. John H. Wickham, 
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