Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

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Tests of coordinatographs of A7 and A8 autographs indicated standard deviations of unit weight of 
about 0.03 mm. The regular errors mentioned were generally smaller than their tolerances, derived and 
expressed in terms of confidence limits on the level 5 per cent. The measurements and computations were 
made by J. Talts, MSE. 
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Reference 4.2:1. Hallert, B.: Test Measurements in Comparators and Tolerances for Such Instruments. 
Photogrammetric Eng. March 1963. 
4.3 The Accuracy of the Elements of the Exterior Orientation after Double 
and Single Point Resection in Space 
The elements of the exterior orientation are not generally of primary interest in ordinary photo 
grammetric work, however there are cases when these elements and their accuracy are particularly 
important as in connection with tests of other data such as horizon camera measurement, radar distance 
determination, etc. The accuracy of the elements of the exterior orientation is dependent on the accuracy 
of all the operations of photogrammetry mentioned previously including the elements of the interior 
orientation. Applying the principles of references 4.3:1 and 4.3:2 and the principle of compensation in 
particular, a complete derivation of expressions for accuracy of the elements of exterior orientation of 
approximately vertical photographs after double and single point resection in space has been made. 
The number and location of the control points must be given. In the formulas following a minimum 
of control is assumed, i.e., for the double point resection in space seven parameters (two control 
points in planimetry and three in elevation) and for the single point resection in space six parameters. 
The standard errors of the elements (with some minor approximations) are as follows: 
In a similar way, the standard error of the direction (azimuth) of the base can be determined. We find 
s f = 
h 2 / 5 1 3h 2 \ 28 , 2 
b 2 [W + J 2 + 4# ) + W s °

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