Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

of the glassgrid nr 410 (9"x9") 
®0 0-1 0+1 O + 1 o ♦ 2 
0-1 0 -3 0-3 0 -1 0 +1 
0-5 0-2 o-1 o-5 ® 0 
0-3 0+1 0-4 o 0 0-3 
@ 0 0-3 0 -1 0+1 0-2 
Absolute orientation with the aid of the three indicated 
points. The grid supported by a surface plate. 
s =1.9 microns 
s = 2. 3 " (theoretically 2. 5 ^m) 
The confidence limit of individual residuals on the five 
per cent level * 6.3 microns. 
Fig. 1.341:1 
of the glassgrid nr 410 (9"x9") 
@0 ©0 0^2 O0 0*6 
0-2 0-1 o-1 o 0 O *5 
0-2 0-2 O 0 O 0 © 0 
O- 4 * 0-1 0-2 0-1 OO 
(§) 0 0-1 0-3 0-1 0-1 
Absolute orientation with the aid of the three indicated 
points. The grid supported, by four comer points. 
s = 1. 8 microns 
s = 2.1 ” (theoretically 2. 3 jum) 
The confidence limit of individual residuals on the five 
per cent level ¿6,0 microns. 
Fig. 1.341:2

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