Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

Fig. 1.62:3. Test of photographs, Aviogon 29. Fall 1963. 
Radial distortion Aviogon 29, c=i52.24mm 
Oland test field h=1200 m 
The grid method 
Fall 1963. N-S 
Radial distortion Aviogon 29, cri52.24mm 
Oland test field h = 1200 m 
The grid method 
Fall 1963, E-W 
dr'microns dr microns 
Aviogon 29 
Aviogon 29 
Histogram and normal distribution curve 
of residuals image coordinate errors except 
circle 7 
Histogram and normal distribution curve 
of residual image coordinate errors except 
circle 7. 
Fall 1963. N-S. 
Fall 1963. E ~ W. 

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