the tube face by manual or correlator control.
Differential parallax detection is enhanced
by a high-frequency X-axis wobble. The cor
relation system senses the position of the scan
pattern, height error, slope vector and in
formation density and causes the scan pat
tern to locate and follow any contour that
exists within the model area imaged on the
Operation of the AP-14 consists of setting
the tube at a specified elevation in the model.
The instrument is then in the search mode
and the rosette scan performs a prepro
grammed search until the cross-correlation
voltage in the correlator exceeds a preset
level, indicating image coincidence in the
photomultiplier. At this point, when a con
tour is intercepted, the search mode is auto
matically interrupted and the contour
following mode activated. The contour is
automatically traced to the edges of the tube
face and the search mode is resumed until all
contours at this elevation on the area of the
tube face have been completed. The beam of
a display cathode ray tube moves in syn
chronism with the DC position of the scanner
beam’s center and is photographed by a copy
camera to produce a contour manuscript.
Contour printing speeds of from 5 to 15
inches per second and C-factors in excess of
500 have been attained in areas of moderate
detail and slope. Contours are detected and
traced in areas having slopes between 6 and
60 degrees. The configuration of this instru
ment represents a successful attempt to de
vise a system not limited in its plotting speed
by the mechanical inertia of a tracing table.
In the present instrument, the tube face
covers only part of the neat model area and
must be indexed to adjacent positions. To
realize its full potential either sufficient res
olution must be realized to reduce the stereo
model to the size of the tube face or a much
larger tube face area must be constructed.
Nonetheless this approach, which is basically
analog utilizing electron-beam servoing tech
niques, does not require a computer for con
trol and posseses the capability of contouring
a stereomodel within minutes.
Universal Automatic Map
Compilation Equipment
The AP-14 and the previously discussed
B8-Stereomat obtain their terrain data from
projected stereomodels. Another class of
automatic stereocompilation instruments, as
represented by the system being developed
for the analytical plotter, utilizes basically a
stereometer for terrain data pickup and
makes all necessary corrections by means of
computers. Such a system was first success
fully demonstrated in the Automatic Map
Compilation System, shown in Figure 7. An
orthophotograph and line-drop chart pro
duced by this system are shown in Figure 8.
Based on the principles developed in that
prototype equipment follow-on instruments
are being constructed for production use and
are described by Dr. Sidney Bertram of The
Bunker-Ramo Corporation, Canoga Park, in
his paper, “The Universal Automatic Map
Compilation Equipment.”
The Universal Automatic Map Compila
tion Equipment (UAMCE) consists of four
identical scanning tables, a control console,
a digital computer with input/output equip
ment and associated electronics. The equip
ment will serve for the automatic compila
tion of accurate orthophotos and altitude
charts or as a precision comparator. The
great flexibility realized is obtained by use of
the four identical scanning tables, any one of
which can be used to carry a diapositive dur
ing compilation or comparator operations or
a film sheet for exposure of the orthophoto or
altitude chart during compilation. Since the
computer serves to center synchronous elec
tronic scans on small conjugate areas of a
stereopair of photographs, the separate scan
ning tables for each diapositive allow almost
any geometrical relationship to exist between
the imagery on the two diapositives, provided
only that the basic relationships are known
and programmed in the computer. The basic
relationship between conjugate areas in the
two diapositives is a function of the basic
geometry of the sensor modified by exposure
orientation, second order effects and terrain
relief. If all but terrain relief are programmed
in the computer, the two electronic scans will
be driven to nearly conjugate positions on the
diapositives; and it will be the function of the
correlator to detect and determine the re
maining parallax and thus the relief. The
Automatic Map Compilation System was
built for nearly vertical photographs. In it
the two inputs and the two outputs were con
strained to the same scanning table permit
ting only slight variations from parallel
scans. However, with separate scanning
tables in the UAMCE, sensor geometry is no
limitation. Moreover, the system is not even
limited to a point projection system and, de
pending on the image quality, can be used
equally as well with radar presentations.