Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

Photogrammetria, XIX, No. 6 
of them is achieved by adequate changes of the scale parameters V and W. As a result of 
the evaluation (for the critical frequency range only) and of the solution of equations (7) 
and (8) following values are obtained: (fig. 12). 
Fig. 12. 
Diagram of the 
evaluated disturbing 
The group d, referring to the projection, is subdivided into two components: d c is the 
part which is common to both projectors, while d p is different for each of them. In practice 
we know the combined effects d' and d" only, which are the cumulative sums of their com 
The consequences of the groups X, l and r, t in the output depend on the ranges of the 
scale parameters V and W. These ranges should also be taken into consideration in the 
representation of the results. 
S d 
groups in the projection. 
Fig. 13b. Representation of the d and D 
groups on the drawing table. 
Fig. 13c. Representation of the 6 and D groups on the drawing table.

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