Full text: Commissions I and II (Part 3)

Mr. Carmen DiCarlo 
Geodetic Systems Engineer 
Reconnaissance ,& Technology Division, USAF 
Mr. Grady J. Eakin 
Directorate of System Programming 
Kollsman Instrument Corporation 
The AN/USQ-28 mapping and survey system consists of a group 
of equipments integrated specifically to provide the fastest and most 
accurate means ever available for obtaining geodetic raw data. The 
USQ-28 system is being installed in jet type transport aircraft. It 
will be operational by late 1965. This aircraft will replace the work 
of multitudesof surveyors walking on the surface of the earth, furnish 
ing more accurate basic material in much less time. In fact, it can 
provide photo coverage of an area the size of Portugal in one day. 
Some of the new equipments utilized by the AN/USQ-28 system 
- A new advanced design mapping camera with a recorded 
thirty arc second verticality. 
- an extremely precise inertial navigation system. 
- distance measuring equipment with increased range and 
- a terrain profile measuring sensor with increased range. 
- advanced design navigation and photographic optical 
- a light source with variable intensity light for long line 
azimuth measurements. 
With exception of the aerial photography, all supporting data is 
recorded on magnetic tape for direct input into a ground digital com 
puter for accurate and rapid data editing and reduction. 
In order to gain a better understanding of the mission for the 
mapping and survey system USQ-28, a brief description of the air 
borne functions of the equipment is in order. Routine missions have 
been divided into six categories:

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